Arusyak keshishyan




Identify each of the following statements as true or false.
Information from outside sources is usually interesting but does not help support an essay's main points.

On Jul 28, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) The solution to an important AIDS puzzle came from an unlikely source, video gamers. (2) For fifteen years, researchers at the University of Washington have been trying to understand the structure of the AIDS virus, knowing that this discovery would lead to better treatments, maybe even a cure. (3) In 2010, Seth Cooper, a computer scientist at the same university, created a video game called Foldit, the purpose of which was to encourage gamers to work on real scientific problems. (4) Hearing about Foldit, the frustrated scientists decided to ask gamers for help. (5) In three short weeks, the gamers came up with such good models that the scientists found their answer. (6) The scientists are thrilled, and the gamers loved using their skills for such a worthwhile project.
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a transitional expression that indicates time?

A) Sentence 2
B) Sentence 3
C) Sentence 4
D) Sentence 5

On Jun 30, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Horace Bristol might be the only photographer to owe his fame to his child's book report. (2) Before he became an architect, Bristol had been a documentary journalist. (3) One day his teenage son was writing a report on The Grapes of Wrath , John Steinbeck's novel about an Oklahoma farm family forced off their drought-stricken land during the 1930s. (4) He asked his father if he'd ever read the book. (5) Not only had he read it, Bristol replied, he had dreamed up the idea for it, recruited Steinbeck to write it, and photographed thousands of real farm families forced to leave their homes. (6) After revealing his past to his son, Bristol the photographer came out of hiding. (7) Hoping to sell a few of his photographs, he was soon astounded by the prices they commanded. (8) Encouraged, he took up his camera once again. (9) Since then, the photographs of Horace Bristol have become famous. (10) His images of despair during the Depression, heroism in the Pacific during World War II, and postwar poverty and hope in rural Korea are among the greatest photographs of the twentieth century.
In the paragraph above, transitional expressions that indicate time include all of the following except :

A) before
B) one day
C) since then
D) not only

On Jun 27, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Charisma is not merely attractiveness or fame but a rare combination of qualities that produces personal magnetism or charm. (2) According to Ronald Riggio, professor of leadership and organizational psychology at Claremont McKenna College in California, these qualities include self-confidence, brilliant communication skills, and sensitivity to the needs of others. (3) Riggio says that former President Bill Clinton is a good example of a charismatic person. (4) Not only is he an excellent communicator, but he makes everyone who speaks to him feel as though he or she is the most important person in the world. (5) Oprah Winfrey, says Riggio, is another person with charisma. (6) She expresses herself well, and she naturally attracts people to her by responding to their needs.
How many examples does the writer use to develop the topic sentence?

A) one
B) two
C) three

On May 30, 2024



In each set below, select the letter of the group in which all the words are spelled correctly. In which group are all of the words spelled correctly?

A) cowardise, nite, typical
B) dirtier, commonwealth, weakened
C) politeness, villain, enemys

On May 27, 2024