


What was the most important consequence of suburbanization?

A) It made people less dependent on their cars.
B) It was very bad for the construction industry.
C) It left the cities with large concentrations of poor people.
D) It raised the tax bases of most cities.

On Jul 11, 2024



Your firm factors its accounts receivable immediately at a 3% discount. The average collection period is 41.95 days. Assume that all accounts are collected in full. What is the effective annual interest rate on this arrangement?

A) 29.9%
B) 30.3%
C) 30.7%
D) 30.9%
E) 31.3%

On Jul 10, 2024



In contracts other than those governed by the Uniform Commercial Code,which of the following are required elements for a writing to be considered sufficient under the statute of frauds?

A) Identification of the parties to the contract.
B) Identification of the subject of the agreement.
C) Identification of the law applicable to the contract.
D) Identification of the parties to the contract,identification of the subject of the agreement,and identification of the law applicable to the contract.
E) Identification of the parties to the contract and the subject of the agreement,but not the law applicable to the contract.

On Jun 11, 2024



Despite the extensive literature providing guidance on how to initiate and manage change, it is argued that as much as ________% of change efforts fail to meet expectations.

A) 10
B) 25
C) 50
D) 70

On Jun 10, 2024



Consider the following statements with respect to the exercise of governmental powers. Identify the false statement.

A) Before a government agency can take action that interferes with someone's rights, legislation must have been passed to permit that action.
B) The exercise of governmental power is subject to a number of constitutional limitations.
C) The doctrine of parliamentary supremacy (i.e., the unrestricted right to legislate) has been modified by the addition of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
D) The power of government officials to interfere with individuals' rights derives from their status and operates independently of any legislation.
E) Statutes often restrict the power of government officials.

On May 11, 2024



Which of the following is most likely to have a positive effect on job attitudes?

A) Mentally challenging work that is extremely demanding
B) Training programs for increasing the external locus of employees
C) Rewards that are in line with an individual's ambition
D) Work conditions that make accomplishing goals challenging

On May 11, 2024



What is the income a nonprofit organization receives from fees for service called?

A) earned
B) taxable
C) contributed
D) expendable

On May 10, 2024