


Isabella knows that her customers always shop for top-of-the-line leather purses and price is not a consideration. She decides to price her line of purses and wallets above those of her closest competition in order to capture those customers who only look for the best. What type of strategy is Isabella using?

A) a top of market strategy
B) the value of quality
C) advantageous pricing
D) premium pricing
E) differential pricing

On Jul 16, 2024



Operant conditioning is the process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences.

On Jul 15, 2024



Joe Smith has just died.Three months ago,when he knew that his death was impending,Joe established a spendthrift trust for the protection of his 16-year old son Bobby.The trust property consists mainly of $500,000 in investment securities.The trustee is Jack Purdy,a CPA.The trust agreement does not discuss the trust's termination.Can Jack invest trust assets differently than Joe invested them? For example,can he sell trust securities and buy others? Why or why not? Must Jack hire an investment professional to make trust investments?

On Jun 16, 2024

Jack must use a reasonable degree of skill,judgment,and care in the exercise of his trust duties.In the investment context,this usually means that the trustee should invest as would a prudent man in the conduct of his own investments.It follows that Jack can buy and sell securities for the trust.What is more,he cannot delegate these duties to anyone else,for they are considered discretionary rather than merely ministerial.


Roper Electronics received its bank statement for the month of August with an ending balance of $11,740. Roper determined that Check No. 613 for $155 and Check No. 601 for $420 were both outstanding. Also, a $6,900 deposit for August 30 was in transit as of the end of the month. Northern Regional Bank also collected a $5,000 notes receivable on August 1 that was issued March 1. Accrued interest is $250. Northern Regional Bank charged a $35 fee for the collection service. The bank statement reveals a bank service charge of $20. A customer check for $68 was returned with the bank statement marked "NSF." The ending balance of the Roper cash account is $12,938.?Prepare a bank/account reconciliation and any necessary journal entries for the reconciliation.

On Jun 14, 2024

??  ??    \begin{array} { | r | l | r | r | }  \hline \text { Aug. } 31 & \text { Cash } & 5,215 & \\ \hline & \text { Bank Service Charge Expense } & 35 & \\ \hline & \text { Notes Receivable } & & 5,000 \\ \hline & \text { Interest Revenue } & & 250 \\ \hline & & & \\ \hline 31 & \text { Bank Service Charge Expense } & 20 & \\ \hline & \text { Cash } & & 20 \\ \hline & & & \\ \hline 31 & \text { Accounts Receivable } & 68 & \\ \hline & \text { Cash } & & 68 \\ \hline & & & \\ \hline \end{array}  Aug. 31 Cash 5,215 Bank Service Charge Expense 35 Notes Receivable 5,000 Interest Revenue 25031 Bank Service Charge Expense 20 Cash 2031 Accounts Receivable 68 Cash 68\begin{array} { | r | l | r | r | } \hline \text { Aug. } 31 & \text { Cash } & 5,215 & \\\hline & \text { Bank Service Charge Expense } & 35 & \\\hline & \text { Notes Receivable } & & 5,000 \\\hline & \text { Interest Revenue } & & 250 \\\hline & & & \\\hline 31 & \text { Bank Service Charge Expense } & 20 & \\\hline & \text { Cash } & & 20 \\\hline & & & \\\hline 31 & \text { Accounts Receivable } & 68 & \\\hline & \text { Cash } & & 68 \\\hline & & & \\\hline\end{array} Aug. 313131 Cash  Bank Service Charge Expense  Notes Receivable  Interest Revenue  Bank Service Charge Expense  Cash  Accounts Receivable  Cash 5,2153520685,0002502068


Describe the difference between an individual with a high internal locus of control and one with a high external locus of control.

On May 17, 2024

Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that their own behavior and actions primarily but not necessarily totally,determine many of the events in their lives.Internals control their own behavior better,are more active politically and socially,and seek information about their situations more actively than do externals.Individuals who have a high external locus of control believe that chance,fate,or other people primarily determine what happens to them.


If Casablanca expects to incur 185,000 machine hours next month, what will the estimated total overhead cost be using the high-low method?

A) $212,750
B) $359,750
C) $382,750
D) $381,700

On May 15, 2024