


Which of the following should LaShonda avoid if she wants to reduce cognitive dissonance?

A) changing her behavior
B) changing her attitude
C) forming a completely new attitude
D) ignoring the conflict altogether

On Aug 03, 2024



Describe how Freund's (1990) courtship disorder theory might explain sexual offending.

On Jul 06, 2024

As with animal courtship, there are four phases in human sexual interactions: 1) looking for and appraising a potential partner; 2) posturing and displaying oneself to the partner; 3) tactile interaction with the partner; and 4) sexual intercourse. Fixation at any one of these stages produces sexual offending: at stage 1, voyeuristic disorder; at stage 2, exhibitionistic disorder; at stage 3, frotteuristic disorder, and at stage 4, rape.


A sample is a subgroup of a population.

On Jul 04, 2024



What would Galton have said if you were to ask him why there were so many eminent minds within his family (including himself and cousin Charles Darwin)

A)  Intelligence is correlated with level of education, so education causes intelligence. 
B)  People notice the eminent minds and ignore all the dimmer ones, leading to a confirmation bias. 
C)  Great intelligence is passed from generation to generation, genetically. 
D)  The advantages of the upper class allowed for development of a strong intellect.

On Jun 06, 2024



Identify the different measures that are built into the MMPI to identify when people are answering in an invalid way. Which of these do you think is the most important? Why? Give an example of why someone might try to "outsmart" each of these scales?

On Jun 04, 2024

The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) includes several measures to identify when people are answering in an invalid way. These measures are designed to detect response styles such as faking good or faking bad, as well as random responding. Some of the key measures built into the MMPI include the Lie Scale (L), the Correction Scale (K), the Infrequency Scale (F), and the Back F Scale.

The Lie Scale (L) is designed to detect individuals who are trying to present themselves in an overly positive light, while the Correction Scale (K) is used to identify individuals who may be trying to minimize their psychological symptoms. The Infrequency Scale (F) is used to detect individuals who are responding in a way that suggests they are exaggerating or fabricating their symptoms, and the Back F Scale is used to identify individuals who may be responding randomly or inconsistently.

In my opinion, the most important measure built into the MMPI to identify invalid responding is the Infrequency Scale (F). This is because it specifically targets individuals who may be exaggerating or fabricating their symptoms, which can have significant implications for the accuracy of the test results.

For example, someone might try to "outsmart" the Lie Scale (L) by intentionally presenting themselves in an overly positive light in order to create a favorable impression. This could occur in situations where individuals are seeking employment or trying to gain admission to a particular program.

Similarly, someone might try to "outsmart" the Correction Scale (K) by downplaying their psychological symptoms in order to avoid being labeled as having significant issues. This could occur in situations where individuals are concerned about the potential stigma associated with mental health diagnoses.

Individuals might try to "outsmart" the Infrequency Scale (F) by exaggerating or fabricating their symptoms in order to gain attention or sympathy. This could occur in situations where individuals are seeking validation or support from others.

Finally, individuals might try to "outsmart" the Back F Scale by responding randomly or inconsistently in an attempt to appear unpredictable or to avoid being labeled based on their responses.

Overall, the measures built into the MMPI to identify invalid responding are important for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the test results, and it is essential for clinicians to be aware of these measures and their potential limitations.


Cross-cultural research on human development indicates that

A) person-to-person differences within cultural groups are larger than differences between groups.
B) differences among cultural groups largely reflect genetic differences among racial groups.
C) gender differences in behavior result from differences in biology rather than from differences in life experiences.
D) developmental processes differ greatly among individuals raised in different cultures.

On May 07, 2024



Masters and Johnson have identified ____ stages of sexual arousal:

A) 4
B) 5
C) 3
D) 2

On May 04, 2024



A researcher conducts a study of the effects of drinking or not drinking coffee on calculus test scores in a group of college students. In this study, the presence or absence of coffee is the __________.

A) dependent variable
B) independent variable
C) experimental group
D) sample

On May 02, 2024



Judgments about sexually explicit material tend to be relative.

On May 01, 2024



Noting that children between 12 and 18 months of age engage in extensive experimentation and exploration,Piaget referred to them as "_____."

On Apr 29, 2024

little scientists