


American foreign policies in Third World countries were determined by Cold War doctrine. Explain American foreign policy in the Third World during the Eisenhower administration. Be sure to discuss Iran, Guatemala, and Vietnam.

On Jul 03, 2024

During the Eisenhower administration, American foreign policy in the Third World was heavily influenced by Cold War doctrine, which aimed to contain the spread of communism. This led to the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammad Mossadegh, in 1953, and the installation of the pro-Western Shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. In Guatemala, the CIA orchestrated a coup in 1954 to overthrow the leftist government of Jacobo Árbenz, who was seen as a communist threat. The administration also supported the French in their efforts to maintain control over Vietnam, which eventually escalated into direct American involvement in the Vietnam War. These actions reflected the Eisenhower administration's commitment to preventing the spread of communism in the Third World, often at the expense of democratic principles and the sovereignty of other nations.


Why did Parliament feel it necessary to impose restrictions on the printing of paper money in the colonies?

On Jun 30, 2024

to prevent the colonies from reneging on war debts owed to the British government; to avoid the circulation of worthless paper money


Who did president William Howard Taft appoint as his Secretary of State?

A) Emilio Aguinaldo
B) Philander C. Knox
C) Theodore Roosevelt
D) Woodrow Wilson

On Jun 03, 2024



During the Civil War,slavery in the South changed in all of the following ways EXCEPT

A) enslaved women began to take a greater role in the production of cotton.
B) enslaved men began to gain new autonomy as they assumed skilled jobs previously done by whites.
C) slaves in general engaged in increasingly insubordinate behavior.
D) slaves engaged in large numbers of violent uprisings throughout the South to facilitate slavery's end.

On May 31, 2024



How did President Franklin Roosevelt manage to calm public fears after the attack on Pearl Harbor?

A) He promised the American people that he would not send American boys to war.
B) He assured them that the war would be fierce but brief thanks to American military might.
C) He spoke frankly about the nation's heavy losses and the strategy he would pursue.
D) He candidly admitted that victory was uncertain and that Germany was an undefeatable foe.

On May 04, 2024



When Serbia called on its Slavic ally Russia for help, _________.

A) they hesitated
B) they declared war against Germany
C) they took advantage of the war in Europe to seize Shandong
D) they in turn looked for backing from their ally France

On May 01, 2024