


Which of the following can be modeled using a Bernoulli distribution?

A) a survey question where an individual responds yes or no
B) the highest recorded temperature in the month of June
C) the number of errors per product produced
D) the average number of consumers in a restaurant

On Jul 09, 2024



Jim wants to buy a computer.The total cost is $1,180.If he can save $60 a month,how long will it take for him to save up for the computer?

On Jul 01, 2024

About 20 months;1,180 ÷ 60 ≈ 19.67


By the time he turns 60, Justin (just turned age 31) wants the amount in his RRSP to have the purchasing power of $250,000 in current dollars. What annual contributions on his 32nd through 60th birthdays inclusive are required to meet this goal if the RRSP earns 4% compounded annually?

On Jun 03, 2024



Malaria is a leading cause of infectious disease and death worldwide.It is also a popular example of a vector-borne disease that could be greatly affected by the influence of climate change.The table below is a summary from a linear regression that uses dewpoint (°C)to predict malaria prevalence in West Africa. Malaria is a leading cause of infectious disease and death worldwide.It is also a popular example of a vector-borne disease that could be greatly affected by the influence of climate change.The table below is a summary from a linear regression that uses dewpoint (°C)to predict malaria prevalence in West Africa.   Fill in the blank.The correlation coefficient,r,is ___. Fill in the blank.The correlation coefficient,r,is ___.

On May 31, 2024