Benlevite Ben Israel




Natural Food Corporation proposes to combine with Organic Produce Inc., and asks Natural Food shareholders to vote on the proposal. Pi, a Natural Food shareholder, votes against it, but is outvoted by the other shareholders. Is there an action that Pi can take to avoid being forced to go along with the transaction? If so, what can he do? After the combination, Organic Produce ceases to exist. Natural Food is the surviving firm. What type of combination is this?

On Jul 29, 2024

Pi, and any other shareholder who disapproves of a merger (or a consolidation), may seek, and may be entitled to be paid, fair value for his or her shares. This right to seek fair value is known as appraisal rights. It constitutes the exclusive remedy for shareholders that are dissatisfied with the price that they received for their stock in the circumstances in this problem, and exists only in those states that specifically provide for it.
The procedure for asserting this right varies. Generally, the corporation must notify the shareholders of the right's availability, and the dissenting shareholders must file a notice of intent to demand payment with the corporation before the shareholders vote on the transaction. The corporation must make a written offer to buy the shares, accompanying the offer with a current balance sheet and income statement. The "fair value" is normally the value on the day before the date on which the shareholders' vote is taken. If the parties do not agree on "fair value," however, a court may determine it. These rights will be lost if they are not adhered to strictly.
The combination between Natural Food and Organic Produce is a merger, in which one of the previously existing corporations (Natural Food)absorbed the other and the absorbed corporation (Organic Produce)ceased to exist.


The opportunity cost for a student of attending college for a year is measured by

A) the benefit received by the student.
B) the tuition paid for the year.
C) the value of the most valued opportunity foregone by attending college.
D) the total money outlays associated with attending college.

On Jul 26, 2024



Mr.Kohl made $44,000 in 2004,the base year.By 2010 he was earning $60,000.If the CPI had risen to 120 by 2010,how much were Mr.Kohl's real wages that year,and by what percentage had they changed?

On Jun 29, 2024

 Real wages (2010)= Money wages (2010)CPI(2010)×100=$60,000120×100=$50,000\begin{aligned}\text { Real wages } ( 2010 ) & = \frac { \text { Money wages } ( 2010 ) } { \mathrm { CPI } ( 2010 ) } \times 100 \\& = \frac { \$ 60,000 } { 120 } \times 100 \\& = \$ 50,000\end{aligned} Real wages (2010)=CPI(2010) Money wages (2010)×100=120$60,000×100=$50,000 (b)
 percentage change = change  original number =$6,000$44,000=13.6%\begin{aligned}\text { percentage change } = \frac { \text { change } } { \text { original number } } & = \frac { \$ 6,000 } { \$ 44,000 } \\& = 13.6 \%\end{aligned} percentage change = original number  change =$44,000$6,000=13.6%


For the past year, the return on investment was:

A) 6%
B) 30%
C) 18%
D) 26%

On Jun 26, 2024



Your firm needs to buy a metal stamping press. The CFO presents you with two analyses: one for a press that is automated, requiring little labour to operate, and another that is manual, requiring a significant amount of labour. This is an example of a decision involving ______________.

A) Independent projects.
B) Working capital projects.
C) Positive NPV projects.
D) Crossover projects.
E) Mutually exclusive projects.

On May 30, 2024



Exporting refers to when a company maintains ownership of its plants, operational facilities, and offices in a foreign country in which it sells its products.

On May 27, 2024
