


Suppose the following random numbers (1, 34, 22, 78, 56, 98, 00, 82) were selected during a Monte Carlo simulation that was based on the chart below. What was the average demand per period for the simulation? What is the expected demand?
 Demand  Probability  Cumulative  Probability  Interval of Random  Numbers\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Demand } & \text { Probability } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Cumulative } \\\text { Probability }\end{array} & \begin{array} { c } \text { Interval of Random } \\\text { Numbers }\end{array} \\\hline 0 & .1 & & \\\hline 1 & .15 & & \\\hline 2 & .4 & & \\\hline 3 & .15 & & \\\hline 4 & .2 & & \\\hline\end{array} Demand 01234 Probability . Cumulative  Probability  Interval of Random  Numbers 

On Jul 01, 2024

 Demand  Probability  Cumulative  Probability  Interval of Random  Numbers 0.1.101−101.15.2511−252.4.6526−653.15.866−804.2181−00\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Demand } & \text { Probability } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Cumulative } \\\text { Probability }\end{array} & \begin{array} { c } \text { Interval of Random } \\\text { Numbers }\end{array} \\\hline 0 & .1 & .1 & 01 - 10 \\\hline 1 & .15 & .25 & 11 - 25 \\\hline 2 & .4 & .65 & 26 - 65 \\\hline 3 & .15 & .8 & 66 - 80 \\\hline 4 & .2 & 1 & 81 - 00 \\\hline\end{array} Demand 01234 Probability . Cumulative  Probability . Interval of Random  Numbers 01101125266566808100 Tires sold sum is given by 0 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 20 over 8 periods. Thus the average demand was 20/8 = 2.5 tires.
The expected demand is simply the EV, or .1(0) + .15(1) + .4(2) + .15(3) + .2(4) = 2.2 tires per period.


Neoclassical economics and behavioral economics both recognize that people make errors in their decision making.

On Jun 30, 2024
