


George and Noble Johnson and Oscar Micheaux were black pioneers in which genre?

A) motion pictures
B) jazz
C) poetry
D) sculpture

On Jul 05, 2024



How did the relationship between the colonists and the Indians of South Carolina, lead to the Tuscarora and the Yamasee Wars?

On Jul 03, 2024

The relationship between the colonists and the Indians of South Carolina ultimately led to the Tuscarora and Yamasee Wars due to a combination of factors.

First, the colonists' expansion into Indian territory and their encroachment on traditional hunting grounds and resources led to increased tensions and conflicts with the native tribes. This resulted in a breakdown of trust and cooperation between the two groups.

Second, the colonists' trade practices and the introduction of European diseases had devastating effects on the Indian populations, leading to further resentment and hostility towards the colonists.

Third, the colonists' aggressive and often violent tactics in dealing with the native tribes, including enslavement and forced labor, further exacerbated the strained relationship.

These factors ultimately culminated in the Tuscarora War in 1711 and the Yamasee War in 1715, as the native tribes sought to defend their land, resources, and way of life from the encroachment and mistreatment by the colonists. These wars resulted in significant loss of life and upheaval for both the colonists and the native tribes, and had long-lasting effects on the region's history and the relationship between the two groups.


What would be a good representation of Enlightenment principles?

A) a minister who used emotion in his sermons
B) a merchant opposing free trade
C) a botanist who studied nature to uncover why a certain plant kept dying
D) a newspaper publisher who distorted the truth to attack a corrupt politician
E) an educated king who believed he knew best how to rule his country

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following statements best describes Roosevelt's group of advisers known as the "Brains Trust"?

A) The "brains trust" saw small corporations as an inevitable part of the modern economy.
B) The "brains trust" believed that large corporations needed to be directed by the government.
C) The "brains trust" included professional athletes.
D) The "brains trust" was strictly opposed to the First New Deal.
E) The "brains trust" believed that large corporations needed to be dismantled.

On Jun 03, 2024



Why were liberal uprisings during the 1820s in Spain and Russia unsuccessful?

On Jun 02, 2024

A strong answer would include
-a discussion of the fact that,in the case of Spain,the vast majority of the people were uneducated and oppressed peasants,who obeyed the teachings of their parish priests while remaining loyal to the regime.
-a discussion of Spain's small reading public (most people were illiterate),who could not spread or embrace liberal ideas as the newspapers available did not report news or ideas not approved by the regime.
-an explanation of how a French army,with the support of Russia,Prussia,and Austria,invaded Spain,defeated the rebels,and reestablished the old order.
-an acknowledgement that,in the case of Russia,the rebels were not that well organized and,in addition,strong and swift action by the energetic new Emperor Nicholas I ended the revolt.Following the suppression of the Decembrist revolt,Nicholas I punished the ringleaders with execution.
-an explanation of the fact that Nicholas I reorganized the educational system;only the information that the regime wanted (such as the Official Nationality)became part of the curriculum.


How did President Bush characterize the toppling of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan?

A) as a "mission accomplished"
B) as an end to the "axis of evil"
C) as the triumph of a "coalition of the willing"
D) as only the beginning of the war on terror
E) as the end of the Al Qaeda terror network

On May 31, 2024



Blacks' hopes for social justice mainly rested on

A) the federal government.
B) local governments.
C) civic institutions.
D) the international community.
E) local businesses.

On May 04, 2024



Who was most likely to criticize the American conduct in the American-Philippine conflict?

A) Southerners
B) white soldiers
C) black soldiers
D) officers

On May 03, 2024



Which of the following was an outcome of the War of 1812?

A) The United States gained territory in what had been southern Ontario.
B) Both the British and Americans awarded land to Indians along the Canada-U.S. border.
C) Canada signed a trade agreement with the United States.
D) The American government signed a mutual defense treaty with France.
E) Americans became more interested in territory in the West as opposed to Canada.

On May 01, 2024



What was one of the lasting impacts of the arguments made in the Declaration of Independence?

A) The American colonists were distracted by guaranteeing human rights for the rest of the world rather than at home.
B) The explicit references to equality of the sexes were a boon to women's rights and helped ensure women's role in the new government.
C) The claims regarding natural rights-life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness-have inspired many other colonies to assert their own independence,
D) The class-based arguments and rejection of individual self-fulfillment have often been used to justify social inequality in the United States.
E) The extensiveness of the arguments ensured that a separate constitution did not need to be written in the future.

On Apr 30, 2024