


Insomnia is more frequently observed among ________,whereas sleep apnea is more common among ________.

A) females with anxiety disorders;elderly males with neurological deficits
B) adolescents with anorexia nervosa;elderly males with neurological deficits
C) females with anxiety disorders;middle-aged males with obesity
D) adolescents with anorexia nervosa;females with anxiety disorders

On Jul 23, 2024



How does friendship change over the course of adulthood?

On Jul 22, 2024

As adults progress through the twenties and take on adult roles, they tend to see their friends less. Young adults who are single tend to rely more heavily on friendships to fulfill needs for social support and acceptance than do married young adults. The more that friendships are characterized by social support and self-disclosure, the more satisfaction single young adults report, and the longer the relationships last. As adults establish careers, they often have less time to spend with friends, yet friendship remains an important source of social support and is associated with well-being, positive affect, and self-esteem throughout life.


Marty has just had a heated argument with his coworker, and for a split second he feels the urge to punch the coworker in the chest. Instead, Marty takes an early lunch and works out by sparring at the gym. Which defense mechanism would Freud say is operating in this situation?

A) projection
B) denial
C) rationalization
D) displacement

On Jun 23, 2024



A client with a substance use disorder attends a residential treatment program that rewards her with vouchers each time she attends group or obtains a negative urine toxicology test (i.e., indicating no drug use) . The vouchers can then be used to buy snacks, toiletries, magazines, and so on at a "store" in the program. The name that best describes this treatment is:

A) Relapse prevention
B) Applied behavioral analysis
C) Contingency management
D) Classical conditioning therapy

On Jun 22, 2024



Discuss retirement planning as explained by psychologists Gary Adams and Barbara Rau, and Daniel Feldman and Terry Beehr.

On May 24, 2024

Answers will vary. According to psychologists Gary Adams and Barbara Rau, and Daniel Feldman and Terry Beehr, retirement planning involves dealing with some questions:
• What will I do? A majority of people retiring these days plan some sort of "bridge employment," in which they continue to work for the same employer with a reduced workload or obtain new employment, possibly part-time. About half plan to do volunteer work. Most expect to devote more time to hobbies or special interests. Most people in one way or another maintain-or strive to maintain-their identities and self-concepts.
• How will I afford it? Adequate finances are strongly related to satisfaction with retirement.
• Where will I live? The great majority of retirees stay put. They don't sell their homes or hop to the Sunbelt. However, as time goes on and they become less physically independent, many live in assisted facilities or with children.
• With whom will I share my retirement years? If life partners are not in agreement about retirement activities and residences, the stresses of an unwanted living situation can provide a continuous source of stress.
• How will I decide? There are many phases of retirement decision making: imagining the possibility of retirement, deciding whether and when it is time to let go of a long-held job, and when and how to put concrete plans to retire into action.


A group of Latina adolescents was provided with information on risky sexual behaviors.The information was given in the context of cultural values inherent to the Latino/a community.This is an example of which of the following?

A) Effective psychoeducation
B) Social learning theory
C) Culturally-modified psychological intervention
D) Cultural insensitivity

On May 22, 2024