


A new nurse asks the preceptor to describe the primary purpose of evaluation. Which statement made by the nursing preceptor is most accurate?

A) "An evaluation helps you determine whether all nursing interventions were completed."
B) "During evaluation, you determine when to downsize staffing on nursing units."
C) "Nurses use evaluation to determine the effectiveness of nursing care."
D) "Evaluation eliminates unnecessary paperwork and care planning."

On Sep 28, 2024



A rape victim asks an emergency department nurse, "Maybe I did something to cause this attack. Was it my fault?" Which response by the nurse is the most therapeutic?

A) Pose questions about the rape, helping the patient explore why it happened.
B) Reassure the victim that the outcome of the situation will be positive.
C) Make decisions for the victim because of the temporary confusion.
D) Support the victim to separate issues of vulnerability from blame.

On Sep 24, 2024



Which of the following nursing actions would be appropriate to protect the skin integrity of an immobile client?

A) Encourage client to eat at least 40% of meals
B) Keep the client's linens dry and wrinkle-free
C) Restrict their fluid intake
D) Use of warm flannel blankets is recommended

On Sep 22, 2024