


Discuss tips for writing for a multilingual audience.

On Jul 18, 2024

-Use plain language. Use short, precise words that say exactly what you mean.
-Avoid words with multiple meanings. As much as possible, choose words that have only one obvious meaning in the context in which you're using them. For example, "right" has more than 30 distinct meanings and can function as a noun, an adjective, a verb, and an adverb. Whenever it is appropriate, use a synonym that conveys the specific meaning you intend, such as correct, appropriate, desirable, moral, authentic, or privilege.
-Be clear. Rely on specific terms and concrete examples to explain your points.
-Cite numbers carefully. Use figures instead of spelling numbers out (twenty-seven).
-Avoid slang and be careful with technical jargon and abbreviations. Slang and other nonstandard usages can be difficult or impossible for your audience to translate.
-Be brief. Construct sentences that are short and simple.
-Use short paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain one topic.
-Use transitions generously. Help readers follow your train of thought.


What is the impact on cost of goods sold, gross profit, net income before taxes and retained earnings, respectively, if inventory is understated?

A) overstated; understated; understated; understated.
B) understated; overstated; understated; overstated.
C) overstated; understated; overstated; overstated.
D) understated; overstated; overstated; overstated.

On Jul 14, 2024



Society will produce ________ if price and marginal cost are equated for all firms.

A) the efficient mix of output
B) the maximum output
C) the minimum output
D) no output

On Jun 18, 2024



___ needs refer to the needs for security, protection, and stability in the events of daily life.

A) Physiological
B) Safety
C) Social
D) Esteem
E) Self-actualization

On Jun 14, 2024



Which of the following statements is true regarding the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami?

A) It devastated eastern sections of Japan.
B) Some manufacturers around the globe had been relying exclusively on suppliers located in the affected zones.
C) Japanese-built vehicle outputs for Toyota and Honda were down more than 60% in the month following the disaster.
D) Manufacturers in several industries worldwide took 6 months or longer before they saw their supply chains working normally again.
E) All of the above are true.

On May 19, 2024



The combination of formatting, including font, font size, font color, shading, and other attributes used to display a segment of text and to identify its level of importance, is called an) _____.

A) style
B) outline
C) template
D) diagram
E) tag

On May 15, 2024