Brianna Chichester




Which of the following statements about foster care is FALSE?

A) Children who are older or who have behavioral or emotional problems are most likely to bounce from home to home.
B) Foster children who have lived in multiple homes may lack the skills they need to function on their own.
C) Foster parents are less likely to make sure that the kids in their care get the medical and mental health services they need.
D) Many children in foster homes experience physical and emotional safety.

On Jul 29, 2024



One consequence of socialization is that it makes people bearers of culture. What does this mean about the relationship between socialization and culture?

A) Socialization is passed on through genes, but culture is not.
B) Socialization makes little difference in people's lives; only culture does.
C) Socialization creates the tendency to act in socially unacceptable ways and is detrimental to culture.
D) Socialization creates culture and is also created by culture.

On Jul 26, 2024



One criticism lodged against Braverman's analysis of factory work is that he inaccurately portrays workers as passive victims of management control.

On Jun 29, 2024



What are the defining features of an ethnic group?

On Jun 25, 2024

An ethnic group is typically defined by a shared set of characteristics that distinguish its members from other groups. These features often include a common:

1. **Cultural Heritage**: This includes shared traditions, customs, language, music, dance, folklore, cuisine, and other cultural practices that are passed down from generation to generation.

2. **Ancestry**: Members of an ethnic group often have a common lineage, which may be real or perceived, based on a belief in a shared genealogy or origin story.

3. **History**: A shared history, which can include collective experiences of events, migrations, conquests, or other significant occurrences, helps to unite the group.

4. **Language**: Language is a core element of ethnic identity. Many ethnic groups have their own language or dialect that is used as a primary means of communication within the group.

5. **Religion or Belief Systems**: Many ethnic groups are associated with specific religious traditions or spiritual beliefs, which can be a central aspect of their identity.

6. **Physical Appearance**: Sometimes, ethnic groups are characterized by certain physical traits, which may be due to genetic heritage. However, this is not a universal or exclusive criterion, as appearance can vary widely within a group.

7. **Territory**: A particular geographic area or homeland is often associated with an ethnic group, whether it is a place of origin, a region they currently inhabit, or land they historically claim.

8. **Sense of Solidarity**: Members of an ethnic group often feel a sense of kinship or solidarity with one another, which is reinforced through shared experiences and mutual support.

It's important to note that not all of these features need to be present for a group to be considered an ethnic group. Ethnic identity is complex and can be based on a variety of factors. Moreover, the importance of each characteristic can change over time and can be interpreted differently by members of the ethnic group and by outsiders. Ethnic groups are also dynamic; they can evolve, merge, or divide over time due to various social, political, and economic factors.


Which perspective on the mass media reminds us that audience members are people and not programmable robots?

A) functionalism
B) conflict theory
C) interpretive approaches
D) sociolinguistics
E) social deconstructionism

On May 29, 2024



Culture is a broad concept that sociologists typically divide into concepts associated with material culture and symbolic culture. List and describe the major components of symbolic culture.

On May 26, 2024

The elements of symbolic culture fall into two groups, each consisting of three parts. The first group includes signs, gestures, and language. Signs are symbols that are designed to meaningfully represent an idea and to convey information. Gestures refer to body language and nonverbal communication. Good answers will emphasize that gestures are culturally specific. Language is probably the most significant component of culture because it is the basis of all symbolic culture. It is what allows us to communicate and to pass culture from one generation to the next. The best answers might mention the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, which argues that language does not just reflect culture but actively structures thought and perception.
The second group of elements includes values, norms, and sanctions. Values are a set of shared beliefs about what is good and bad, norms are the rules and guidelines for carrying out those beliefs, and sanctions are the means of enforcing norms. Norms may be formal, like laws, or informal, like folkways and mores. Sanctions may be positive or negative.


Generally,children and adolescents who watch television more than two hours a day do poorly in school because TV viewing displaces reading and homework.

On Apr 29, 2024



Mr. Ernesto owns a small workshop that makes fine leather shoes for men. He and his eight employees take great pride in their work, and they often put in long hours together to get orders produced on time. Which of the following terms characterizes Mr. Ernesto?

A) lumpen-proletariat
B) proletariat
C) petite-bourgeoisie
D) bourgeoisie

On Apr 26, 2024