


Net working capital is defined as:

A) current assets minus current liabilities.
B) working capital minus short-term debt.
C) current assets plus current liabilities.
D) All of the above

On Jul 18, 2024



The present values of ordinary annuities, annuities due, and deferred annuities were discussed in the textbook.Discuss the ways these three annuities are similar and dissimilar.

On Jul 17, 2024

These annuities are similar in that all have equal periodic rents (cash flows)that occur in the future.Differences occur as to when those periodic rents begin.For ordinary annuities, the rents begin at the end of the first rent period.Rents, with an annuity due, begin at the beginning of the first rent period.Deferred annuities have cash flows that do not begin until at least the end of the second rent period.


Raising the level of safety inventory increases product availability and thus the margin captured from customer purchases.

On Jun 18, 2024



The monopolist often charges its customers _______ prices and provides ________ service than it would if it had competitors.

A) higher;better
B) higher;poorer
C) lower;better
D) lower;poorer

On Jun 17, 2024



When individuals attain their goals, they are likely to set even higher and more challenging goals, a process known as

A) discrepancy production.
B) discrepancy reduction.
C) discrepancy seduction.
D) discrepancy induction.
E) discrepancy function.

On May 19, 2024



Allie is a licensed pilot who is nearsighted.She has 20/20 (perfect)vision when she wears her contact lenses.Without her contact lenses,she cannot read or drive,but with her contact lenses,she is able to engage in these activities.Acme Airlines has a requirement that its pilots have 20/20 uncorrected vision.Allie applies for a pilot position with Acme and is rejected based on her need to wear contact lenses.Allie goes to the EEOC to file a charge under the ADA against Acme Airlines.What is the likely result?

On May 18, 2024

Allie is most likely not protected under the ADA of 1990 or the ADA Amendments Act of 2008,which clarifies the standards for determining disability.The ADA defines a disability as (1)a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities,or (2)a record of such an impairment,or (3)one's being regarded as having such an impairment.Even though reading and working are included as major life activities under the ADA amendments,Allie's nearsightedness will not be considered to be a disability since she can both read and drive with the aid of contact lenses.Moreover,the ADA amendments state that the ameliorative effect of ordinary eyeglasses and contact lenses can be considered in determining whether an impairment substantially limits a major life activity.As such,Allie will not be protected as an "individual with a disability" under the ADA.