


In the mid-1930s, what did the umbrella term "the left" describe?

A) Nazis, Marxists, and Republicans
B) socialists, communists, labor radicals, and New Deal liberals
C) immigrants, farmers, and factory workers
D) those "left" (west) of the Mississippi River
E) anarchists, intellectuals, and artists

On Jul 23, 2024



Choose a character in history (for example, a woman, businessperson, African-American, socialist, large farmer, tenant farmer, city dweller, union worker, and so on). Describe your scenario for the period between 1933 and 1938. Is your character a supporter of FDR and the New Deal? What suggestions might your character offer for ending the Depression?

On Jul 21, 2024

I choose to portray a union worker during the period between 1933 and 1938. Let's call him John. John is a member of a labor union and works in a factory in a major city. He has seen the devastating effects of the Great Depression on his fellow workers and their families.

John is a strong supporter of FDR and the New Deal. He believes that the government intervention and relief programs are necessary to help lift the country out of the economic crisis. He appreciates FDR's efforts to create jobs through public works projects and to provide social security for the elderly and unemployed.

However, John also has some suggestions for ending the Depression. He believes that the government should do more to regulate big businesses and ensure fair wages and working conditions for workers. He also thinks that investing in education and training programs for workers would help to create a more skilled and competitive workforce. Additionally, John believes that the government should provide more support for struggling farmers and small businesses to stimulate economic growth.

Overall, John is a dedicated supporter of FDR and the New Deal, but he also recognizes the need for additional measures to fully end the Depression and create a more equitable society.


The Supreme Court ruling in Bowers v. Hardwick is evidence of which of the following?

A) Despite the conservative mood of the nation, the Supreme Court remained a bastion of liberalism.
B) The Court had no sympathy with the concept of affirmative action.
C) The Court had taken a decisive turn in the direction of federal power over the concept of states' rights.
D) President Reagan's appointments to the Supreme Court made that body more conservative.

On Jun 23, 2024



Why did an American economist conclude in the 1880s that the United States had developed its own aristocracy?

A) Wealthy Americans were marrying into British nobility to bring aristocratic ranks into American society.
B) Americans were celebrating and adoring movie stars of the silent film era as if they were nobility.
C) The United States suffered a greater inequality in wealth than England.
D) Regular Americans had been so excluded from political power that the American system amounted to a feudal order.

On Jun 20, 2024



The social reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening began in:

A) The mountainous areas of Virginia and North Carolina
B) The Burned-Over District of western New York
C) Western Kentucky
D) The Cotton South

On May 24, 2024



Which of the following was a consequence of the loss of the destroyer Reuben James?

A) After considerable debate, Congress approved a declaration of war against Germany.
B) Congress approved a revision of the Neutrality Acts to permit the transport of munitions to England on armed American merchant ships.
C) The United States broke diplomatic relations with Germany.
D) By joint resolution, Congress ended the use of American naval vessels to convoy British merchant ships carrying munitions.

On May 22, 2024



For the most part, white southerners defended the "peculiar institution" whether or not they had slaves, whether they were rich or poor, and whether they lived on large plantations or small farms. Why was this the case?

On May 21, 2024

The defense of slavery by white southerners was deeply ingrained in the culture and economy of the South. Slavery was seen as essential to the success and prosperity of the region, and many white southerners believed that their way of life depended on the institution. Additionally, the ideology of white supremacy played a significant role in justifying and perpetuating the "peculiar institution." This belief in the inherent superiority of white people over people of other races led to the widespread acceptance and defense of slavery, regardless of individual wealth or social status. Furthermore, the economic benefits of slavery, such as cheap labor and increased agricultural production, provided a strong incentive for white southerners to defend the institution. Overall, a combination of cultural, economic, and ideological factors contributed to the widespread defense of slavery by white southerners.


To Puritans, liberty meant

A) that wives had equal authority with husbands in the family.
B) that all people had a right to challenge religious or political authority.
C) that all people must be free to practice their religious beliefs.
D) that the "elect" (as opposed to the "damned") had a right to establish churches and govern society.
E) "natural liberty," or acting without restraint.

On May 20, 2024



Most of those termed "scalawags" during Reconstruction had been

A) owners of large southern plantations before the Civil War.
B) non-slaveholding white farmers from the southern upcountry prior to the Civil War.
C) enslaved African-Americans before emancipation.
D) Union soldiers during the war, but then they decided to stay in the South.
E) Confederate officers and Confederate government officials during the Civil War.

On May 18, 2024



Why did Americans adopt a theory of checks and balances?

A) Christians support the new theory.
B) Antifederalists supported the movement.
C) The system would allow the government to become tyrannical, which would allow for more decisiveness.
D) Americans realized that legislative supremacy did not guarantee good government.

On May 17, 2024