Burhanuddin Rangwala




What are some possible reasons that African-Americans tend to commit suicide at lower rates than other groups?

On Jul 30, 2024

Key terms and concepts that may be included in student responses:
▪ relatively strong family support structures
▪ higher levels of religious involvement


Young children typically have low self-esteem since they compare their abilities with peers who are more competent.

On Jul 25, 2024



Discuss the changes that take place when an infant becomes a toddler.

On Jun 30, 2024

Answers will vary. Toddlers run about, supporting their relatively heavy heads and torsos by spreading their legs in a bowlegged fashion. Because they are top-heavy and inexperienced, they fall frequently. Many toddlers are skillful at navigating slopes. They walk down shallow slopes but prudently choose to slide or crawl down steep ones. Walking lends children new freedom. It allows them to get about rapidly and to grasp objects that were formerly out of reach. Give toddlers a large ball to toss and run after; it is an inexpensive and most enjoyable toy. As children mature, their muscle strength, bone density, and balance and coordination improve. By the age of two years, they can climb steps one at a time, placing both feet on each step. They can run well, walk backward, kick a large ball, and jump several inches.


People who claim to have been abducted by space aliens-often shortly after going to bed-commonly recall being floated off their beds.It is most likely that they have incorporated ________ into their memories.

A) sleep spindles
B) narcolepsy
C) hypnagogic sensations
D) sleep apnea

On Jun 25, 2024



___________________________ focuses on thoughts about social consensus and convention.

A) Social conventional reasoning
B) Basic processes
C) Moral reconvention
D) None of these.

On Jun 22, 2024



Which of the following is an example of group polarization?

A) A basketball team-simply by reason of being a cohesive group-automatically identifies another team as a rival.
B) A political committee tends to make more extreme decisions than any of its individual members would alone.
C) A group of students tends, automatically, to divide themselves up into several smaller groups or cliques.
D) A student council divides itself into two directly opposing points of view when debating new issues.

On May 25, 2024



Give three examples of how culture may play a role in the experience of emerging adulthood.

On May 22, 2024

Although emerging adulthood is not universal, it has been observed among young people in many cultures, including many countries in North and South America, Northern and Eastern Europe, Israel, China, and Japan. Each of these cultures endorses some similar criteria for adulthood as well as criteria that are unique. For example, each culture rates accepting responsibility for the consequences of one's actions as the most important criterion for adulthood, but other important criteria vary by culture. North American emerging adults also rate making independent decisions and becoming financially independent as criteria for adulthood. In Argentina, young people rated the capacity to care for young children as the second most important criteria for women. Israeli young adults listed being able to withstand pressure as a required attribute for adulthood, whereas Romanian young people reported norm compliance as an indicator of adulthood. Chinese emerging adults rated learning to have good control of your emotions as being necessary for adulthood. Yet none of these criteria were rated as necessary for adulthood by North Americans. It appears that emerging adulthood, the extended transition from adolescence to adulthood, often occurs in Western industrialized cultures. However, the specific features and characteristics with which young people define adulthood vary by culture and likely within cultures accompanying ethnic and socioeconomic differences. The extended transition to adulthood-and the contexts that support it - holds implications for physical and cognitive development.