


Think of a memorable embarrassing moment in your life.Describe and analyze the situation: what identity that you publically claimed did you perceive as being discredited? What was the source of embarrassment? Did you attempt to save face; if so, how? What was the outcome?

On Jul 18, 2024

I was recruited to throw javelin in college so visited schools during my senior year of high school.I had edited a DVD of my best throws to show to coaches during the visits.On one visit, my brother and I sat in the coach's office and he put the DVD into his computer.Rather than my video, an erotic commercial of a half-nude woman began to play through viewing application.I was embarrassed, imagining that the coach thought that I had inserted the commercial into the video.I was trying to claim the identity of a responsible student-athlete, and perceived the video to challenge this identity.The source of the embarrassment was a combination of lacking professionalism to be a student-athlete at a well-respected college and the privacy violation of watching a half-nude woman on screen with my brother and a prospective coach.I attempted to save face by exiting the screen and starting the video again; I did not apologize or provide an account.The coach did not mention the incident and continued to recruit me to the track program.


Socially defined behaviors that are considered appropriate for individuals because they hold certain positions in a group or society are called __________

A) social roles.
B) social identities.
C) social mores.
D) social norms.

On Jul 13, 2024



Thorndike was known for his work with ________.

A) a Skinner box
B) a puzzle box
C) modeling
D) monkeys

On Jun 16, 2024



Sam is a graduate student working on his dissertation.He has just finished collecting data from a group of participants and now is explaining to them the true purpose of the study and any type of deception he used.Sam's explanation is called

A) a placebo.
B) random assignment.
C) the double-blind procedure.
D) debriefing.

On Jun 13, 2024



The greatest difficulty facing contemporary parapsychology is the

A) inability to subject claims of ESP to scientific testing.
B) lack of a reproducible ESP phenomenon.
C) willingness of many experts to accept fraudulent evidence.
D) difficulty of persuading many ordinary people that there really is such a thing as ESP.

On May 16, 2024



Severely depressed individuals are especially likely to show reduced brain activity in the

A) right frontal lobe.
B) left frontal lobe.
C) white matter.
D) ventricles.

On May 13, 2024



Excessive production of thick mucus that clogs the pancreas and lungs is a central feature of which genetic abnormality?

A) Huntington's disease
B) Cystic fibrosis
C) Sickle cell
D) Tay-Sach's disease

On May 09, 2024