


Stolen Purses.Sandra and Mary were having lunch at their favorite restaurant.Unfortunately,a thief stole their purses containing their ATM cards.Mary notified her bank the next day of the theft of the ATM card.Unfortunately,the card had already been used to fraudulently obtain over $1,000.Sandra thought back to her business law class and did not call her bank,however,because she believed that she would not be liable for any charges on the ATM card because of the rules involving forgeries.Nevertheless,a week or so later when Sandra was in the bank,she casually mentioned to the teller that she needed a new card because hers had been lost.She was shocked when a bank representative attempted to hold her responsible for hundreds of dollars of goods purchased with the ATM card.Sandra told the bank representative that she refused to cover the amounts,that she was moving her account,and that she wanted all preauthorized payments and EFTs stopped immediately.Which of the following is true regarding the bank's obligation to stop EFT transfers?

A) The bank must immediately end any EFTs on the same day requested if the request is made during regular business hours.
B) The bank must end any EFT payments on the same day requested if the request is made by 2 p.m.
C) The bank is not required to stop payments on EFTs because such transfers occur instantaneously.
D) The bank must stop any EFT payments if the request is made within five days of the EFT authorization.
E) The bank must stop any EFT payments if the request is made within 48 hours of the EFT authorization.

On Jul 23, 2024



How is break-even analysis useful in the study of the capacity decision? What limitations does this analytical tool have in this application?

On Jul 21, 2024

Breakeven is defined as the volume for which costs equals revenue. It is useful to know the break-even point for each capacity alternative under consideration. In reality, costs may not be as linear as they are assumed to be in this model.


A busy professor needs to decide whether to stay in his office to grade papers for another hour or to go home and go to bed.This is an example of:

A) equity versus efficiency.
B) how one person's spending is another person's income.
C) economic incentives.
D) marginal analysis.

On Jun 23, 2024



If a cost must be arbitrarily allocated in order to be assigned to a particular segment, then that cost should be considered a common cost.

On Jun 21, 2024



The balance sheet of Rogers, Dennis & Berry LLP prior to liquidation included the following: The balance sheet of Rogers, Dennis & Berry LLP prior to liquidation included the following:   The three partners shared net income and losses in a 5:3:2 ratio, respectively. Noncash assets were sold for $60,000. Creditors were paid in full, partners were paid $35,000, and the balance of cash was retained pending future developments.Determine the cash to be retained and prepare a schedule to distribute $35,000 cash to the partners. The three partners shared net income and losses in a 5:3:2 ratio, respectively. Noncash assets were sold for $60,000. Creditors were paid in full, partners were paid $35,000, and the balance of cash was retained pending future developments.Determine the cash to be retained and prepare a schedule to distribute $35,000 cash to the partners.

On May 24, 2024

Cash balance = $40,000 + sale noncash assets $60,000 − paid liabilities $20,000 − partners paid $35,000 = $45,000 ending balance retained for future expenses.Distribution of $35,000: Cash balance = $40,000 + sale noncash assets $60,000 − paid liabilities $20,000 − partners paid $35,000 = $45,000 ending balance retained for future expenses.Distribution of $35,000:


Refer to Luke, Kelso, and Nadine. Since job satisfaction is important for Nadine, which of these would not be a satisfier for her, according to Herzberg?

A) Advancement
B) Responsibility
C) Status
D) Growth
E) The work itself

On May 22, 2024