


At common law,the risk of loss for shipped goods falls upon the person or party who had "technical title" at the time the goods were damaged or destroyed.

On Jul 11, 2024



A seller who extends credit for a longer period than the purchaser's inventory cycle:

A) Will not end up financing other aspects of the purchaser's business beyond the immediate purchase and sale of the inventory.
B) Will force the purchaser to pay for inventory before that inventory is resold.
C) Will be assured that the purchaser will be able to convert the inventory into cash before payment is due.
D) Will have no need to offer a discount period and a net credit period.
E) Will end up financing a portion of the purchaser's receivables period as well.

On Jul 06, 2024



Define the term "admission" as it relates to the applicability of the statute of frauds writing requirement.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the law regarding admissions,and set forth your reasoned opinion as to whether the law should recognize an admission.

On Jun 11, 2024

As with most legal rules,there are certain exceptions to which the statute of frauds does not apply,even though under normal circumstances it would.One of those exceptions is an admission.An admission is a statement made in court,under oath,or at some stage during a legal proceeding in which a party against whom charges have been brought admits that an oral contract existed,even though the contract was required to be in writing.To the extent that the statute of frauds is intended to require proper evidence of agreements,the admission exception is well-reasoned.However,to the extent that the statute is intended to encourage care and caution in establishing the specific details of agreements,the admission exception seems to unnecessarily punish honest parties while rewarding dishonest ones.Students will vary in their opinions regarding whether the law should recognize an admission as an exception to the statute of frauds writing requirement.


Refer to Exhibit 21-2.What would be the debit to Leased Equipment under Capital Leases on January 1, 2010? (Round amounts to the nearest dollar.)

A) $ 72, 096
B) $ 77, 770
C) $100, 000
D) $110, 000

On Jun 06, 2024



In the basic queuing model (M/M/1) , service times are described by

A) binomial probability distributions.
B) negative exponential probability distributions.
C) Poisson probability distributions.
D) normal probability distributions.
E) lognormal distributions.

On May 09, 2024



The slopes of the production possibilities curves for two nations reflect the

A) relative prices of the resources in the two nations.
B) amounts of imports and exports of the two nations.
C) average income levels in the two nations.
D) opportunity costs of production in the two nations.

On May 06, 2024