Camila Santamaría Velasco




Under what king's rule did Samuel de Champlain found the colony of Quebec?

A) Henry III
B) Louis XIII
C) Charles IX
D) Henry IV
E) Francis I

On Sep 29, 2024



In 1815,after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo,the allies imposed the second Treaty of Paris on France.According to the treaty,

A) France was limited to its 1792 borders and the Bourbons were reinstated as the royal family.
B) a part of France was taken away and became Belgium.
C) a part of France was taken away and became part of Savoy.
D) France was divided among the victorious allies for ten years.
E) France was limited to its 1790 borders,it was forced to pay 700 million francs to the allies,and an allied army was stationed in the country until the debt was settled.

On Sep 26, 2024



Which of the following statements accurately describes farming in the Great Plains?

A) Women were required to stay off the farm and instead do housework.
B) Farming was relatively easy, as the climate remained steady throughout the year.
C) Husbands and sons tended to cash crops, while women tended to animals and grew crops for food.
D) Farm families enjoyed an active social life with the many families on nearby farms.
E) Farmers were a homogenous group mainly comprising easterners.

On Sep 22, 2024