


A senator who agrees to vote for a tax cut bill that he or she disagrees with in order to receive
Another senator's vote on a climate change bill that he or she has proposed is engaged in

A) filibustering.
B) logrolling.
C) cloturing.
D) insider trading.

On Jun 21, 2024



Unemployment insurance is a ________ program that is funded by the ________.

A) noncontributory; federal and state governments
B) noncontributory; state governments only
C) contributory; federal and state governments
D) contributory; state governments only

On Jun 20, 2024



Dr.Michaels is conducting a large longitudinal study of elementary-aged children born in 2009.He is using multiple interviewers,so a(n) _______ structure is ideal for collecting consistent data.

A) semistandardized interview
B) standardized interview
C) creative interview
D) unstandardized interview

On Jun 18, 2024



In 1964,Republican Party presidential nominee ________ was in favor of less taxation and
Less government regulation of the economy,two ideas that became major themes for the
Modern Republican Party.

A) Richard Nixon
B) Barry Goldwater
C) Ronald Reagan
D) Franklin Delano Roosevelt

On Jun 17, 2024



Describe how public opinion is measured and some of the challenges that arise with polling.Specifically,discuss what sampling is,why sampling is used,and how the problems of social desirability effects,selection bias,the bandwagon effect,and push polling undermine survey research.

On Jun 15, 2024

There are five components to this question.
a.Sampling definition and goal: A sample is a small group selected by researchers to represent the most important characteristics of an entire population.Pollsters take a sample of the population and use it to make inferences about the preferences of the population as a whole.For a survey to be an accurate representation of the population,it must meet certain requirements,including an appropriate sampling method,a sufficient sample size,and the avoidance of selection bias.
b.Social desirability effects: The social desirability effect occurs when respondents report what they expect the interviewer wishes to hear or whatever they think is socially acceptable,rather than what they actually believe or know to be true.Political scientists have found that social desirability effects produce inaccurate survey results when the surveys include questions about sensitive issues for which individuals do not wish to share their true preferences.
c.Selection bias: Selection bias is polling error that arises when the sample is not representative of the population being studied,which creates errors in overrepresenting or underrepresenting some opinions.
d.Bandwagon effect: The so-called bandwagon effect occurs when polling results convince people to support a candidate marked as the probable victor.
e.Push polling: Push polls are not scientific polls and are not intended to yield accurate information about a population.Instead,they involve asking a respondent a loaded question about a political candidate designed to elicit the response sought by the pollster and,simultaneously,to shape the respondent's perception of the candidate in question.


The Founders were greatly influenced by the ideas of Thomas Hobbes,John Locke,and Baron de la Brède et de Montesquieu.Briefly summarize the arguments of each of these political philosophers and discuss how they shaped the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

On Jun 14, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Hobbes: Hobbes argued that government authority was an antidote to human existence in a government-less state of nature,where life was "solitary,poor,nasty,brutish,and short." He also believed that governments should have limits on the powers they exercised and that political systems are based on the idea of "contract theory": that the people of a country voluntarily give up some freedom in exchange for an ordered society.The notions of limited government and the consent of the governed a great deal of influence on the Founders.
b.Locke: Locke advanced the principles of republican government by arguing not only that monarchical power was not absolute,but that such power was dangerous and should therefore be limited.In a break with Hobbes,Locke argued that the people retain rights despite the social contract they make with the monarch.Preserving safety in society is not enough; people's lives,liberty,and property also require protection.Further,Locke argued that the people of a country have a right to overthrow a government they believe to be unjust or tyrannical.This key idea shaped the thinking of the Founders,including Thomas Jefferson,the primary author of the Declaration of Independence,who said that the document was "pure Locke."
c.Montesquieu: Montesquieu advocated the idea that power needed to be balanced by power as a bulwark against tyranny.The way in which this could be achieved was through the separation of governing powers.Montesquieu did not argue for a pure separation of powers; rather,basic functions would be separated,but there would also be some overlap of functions.These ideas were central in shaping the three-branch system of government that America's Founders outlined in the Constitution of 1787.