


An outcome is said to be efficient if an economy is getting all it can from the scarce resources it has available.

On Jul 17, 2024



Canada's workforce is becoming increasingly diverse. How is this having an impact on benefits programs?

A) Greater pension contributions are required by employers.
B) There are lower out-of-pocket costs for employees.
C) Benefit programs are becoming more family-friendly.
D) Benefits packages now cover part-time as well as full-time employees.

On Jul 17, 2024



The supply of land is perfectly _________.

On Jun 20, 2024



Without much warning,Carla's parents sent Carla to a boarding school 400 miles away.Carla felt completely off balance and unsure in her new environment,knowing none of the other students or the norms of the school.She followed along with the rigorous work schedule,unreasonable rules,and constant criticism from teachers.Caroline was susceptible to this abusive environment due to which psychological factor outlined by Lipman-Bluman?

A) need for security and certainty
B) need to feel special
C) need for inspiring leaders
D) fear of failing

On Jun 17, 2024



A firm is preparing a short-term financial plan. One question the firm would most likely NOT address is ______________________.

A) How much cash should be kept on hand.
B) How much short-term borrowing should be employed.
C) What is the optimal level of long-term unsecured credit.
D) How long should credit be extended to customers.
E) Should the firm issue commercial paper.

On May 21, 2024



Explain the requirements of a work team structure.

On May 18, 2024

Answers will vary. Work team structure issues include goals and objectives, operating guidelines, performance measures, and role specification. A work team's goals and objectives specify what must be achieved, while the operating guidelines set the organizational boundaries and decision-making limits within which the team must function. Finally, work team structure requires a clearly specified set of roles for the executives and managers who oversee the work of the team, for the work team leaders who exercise influence over team members, and for team members. These role specifications should include information about required role behaviors, such as decision making and task performance, as well as restrictions or limits on role behaviors, such as the limitations on managerial interventions in work team activities and decision making. Expectations as well as experience may be especially important for newcomer role performance in work teams. Please see the section "Factors That Influence Group Effectiveness" for more information.