


With what nation did the United Kingdom fight a short war in 1982 over the sparsely populated Falkland Islands?

A) Spain
B) Angola
C) Yugoslavia
D) Argentina
E) Brazil

On Aug 05, 2024



By 1900 the number of settlement houses in US cities was approximately

A) 10.
B) 100.
C) 200.
D) 1000.

On Jul 07, 2024



How did Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr find out about the affair of President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky?

A) He learned this from one of Hillary Clinton's depositions.
B) He accidentally walked in on them.
C) Lawyers for Paula Jones, who charged Clinton with harassment, told him.
D) A French newspaper, Le Monde, ran an unconfirmed story on the affair.

On Jul 05, 2024



Which of the following statements about nonagricultural slave laborers is LEAST accurate?

A) In Charleston South Carolina,slaves outnumbered whites in some skilled trades.
B) Most planters and proslavery advocates opposed teaching slaves skills because they feared it would lead to calls for greater independence.
C) Slaves worked in southern mills,factories,salt-works,and railroads.
D) White southern artisans bitterly resented competition from skilled slaves trained in their craft.

On Jun 05, 2024



Commenting on the results of the post-1848 elections in France,the poet Lamartine noted,

A) "The people have had it."
B) "Monarchy is not working for France."
C) "France is bored."
D) "We need a new Napoleon."
E) "Vive la liberté."

On Jun 04, 2024



Italian Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti was able to stay in office by using what motto?

A) peace and bread
B) God and country
C) king and country
D) neither revolution nor reaction
E) a chicken in every pot

On Jun 03, 2024



Big business spawned fears amongst many Americans because

A) big corporations were a European invention.
B) government might have to bail out big business.
C) the power of industrialists was largely unfettered by regulatory laws.
D) big corporations would make America less competitive in the world.

On May 08, 2024



As immigration increased during the mid 18th century, there were more Europeans arriving from Ireland and Germany. How did the Irish and German immigrants affect the North American landscape?

On May 06, 2024

The Irish and German immigrants had a significant impact on the North American landscape during the mid-19th century. They contributed to the growth of cities and the development of infrastructure, particularly in the Midwest and Northeast regions. Irish immigrants, many of whom were fleeing the Great Famine, provided labor for the construction of canals, railroads, and other important transportation networks. German immigrants, known for their agricultural skills, settled in rural areas and helped to expand farming and agricultural production. Both groups also brought their cultural traditions and customs, influencing the social and cultural fabric of North America. Overall, the Irish and German immigrants played a crucial role in shaping the physical and cultural landscape of North America during this time period.


Which of the following is true of the Port Huron Statement?

A) It called for the replacement of the American two-party system with a European-style multiparty political system.
B) It condemned racism, poverty, and the Cold War.
C) It called upon college students to boycott corporations whose activities served to support racism or militarism.
D) It suggested the formation of a new political coalition consisting of college students and minority groups.

On May 05, 2024



In which peculiar market did English noblemen and wealthy American heiresses meet at the turn of the century?

A) antiquity trade
B) fashion industry
C) marriage market
D) real estate market

On May 04, 2024