Charissa Richardson




Which South Carolina governor and senator defended slavery on the ground that every society needed its "mudsill," and blacks were the "mudsills" of the South?

A) George Fitzhugh
B) James Henry Hammond
C) Beverly Tucker
D) Samuel Cartwright

On Jul 22, 2024



During the First World War,black soldiers served in all of the following units or positions EXCEPT

A) the signal corps.
B) Army lawyers.
C) intelligence officers.
D) pilots in the aviation corps.

On Jul 12, 2024



Discuss the black family in the context of the slave community.

On Jun 14, 2024

The black family within the slave community faced numerous challenges and hardships due to the oppressive and dehumanizing conditions of slavery. Families were often torn apart as members were sold to different plantations, leading to the breakdown of traditional family structures. This forced separation caused immense emotional trauma and made it difficult for families to maintain strong bonds and support systems.

Despite these challenges, the black family in the slave community demonstrated resilience and strength. They found ways to create and maintain familial connections, often through storytelling, music, and other forms of cultural expression. Additionally, many families relied on each other for emotional and physical support, forming tight-knit communities within the larger slave population.

The black family also played a crucial role in preserving cultural traditions and passing down knowledge and values to future generations. Despite the attempts of slave owners to strip them of their heritage, black families found ways to maintain their cultural identity and instill a sense of pride and resilience in their children.

Overall, the black family in the context of the slave community faced immense challenges, but their ability to adapt, support each other, and preserve their cultural heritage speaks to their strength and resilience in the face of adversity.


As a result of the market revolution, skilled craftsmen generally

A) gained more control over their workday.
B) increased the complexity of their skills.
C) worked more at home.
D) ended up producing only one part of a product.
E) accepted their loss of economic freedom without protest.

On Jun 11, 2024



The Revenue Act of 1916___________________.

A) increased the tax on munitions manufacturers
B) increased the tax on low incomes
C) reduced federal taxes on large estates
D) reduced the tax on corporate profits

On May 15, 2024



Queen Isabella decided to finance exploratory voyages, in part, because she

A) believed it would divert her subjects' attention away from Spain's domestic problems.
B) hoped profits from such voyages would help finance an expedition to wrest Jerusalem from the Muslims.
C) wanted to prevent England from colonizing Africa.
D) wanted knowledge about other world cultures.

On May 12, 2024