


What is industrial regulation? As a federal regulatory commission, what is the jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)?

On Jul 14, 2024

Industrial regulation, or public regulation, refers to government regulation of firms' prices (or rates)in natural monopolies. The FCC has jurisdiction over telephones, television, cable television, radio, telegraph, CB radios, and ham operators.


Legal, political, and ethical challenges to global business can be found in many arenas. What are the challenges to business that emerge from the actions of a host country and those that emerge from the actions of a home country?

On Jun 30, 2024

Local politics, laws, and ethical standards all play a crucial role in global business. Even the best corporate strategies or marketing plans can be sidetracked by unexpected legal or political impediments that serve to increase the costs or risks associated with doing business in a foreign country. It is therefore important for those involved in global enterprise of any sort - even if they never leave their home country - to understand the legal, political, and ethical environment of global business.
For example, U.S.-based Intel manufactures semiconductors in China and Costa Rica, among other places. Its home country is therefore the United States, while China and Costa Rica are host countries to its global operations. To succeed, Intel must meet government requirements and local customs in all three countries.
The potential host-country costs include complaints that MNCs extract excessive profits, dominate the local economy, interfere with the local government, do not respect local customs and laws, fail to help domestic firms develop, hire the most talented of local personnel, and fail to transfer their most advanced technologies.
Whenever a domestic employer outsources jobs, or cuts back or closes a domestic operation in order to shift work to lower-cost international destinations, the loss of local jobs is controversial. Corporate decision-makers are likely to be engaged by government and community leaders in critical debates about a firm's domestic social responsibilities. Other home-country criticisms of MNCs include complaints about sending capital investments abroad and engaging in corrupt practices in foreign settings.


Define "perception." What are its three main components?

On Jun 14, 2024

Perception is the process of interpreting the messages of our senses to provide order and meaning to the environment.Its three main components are the perceiver, a target that is being perceived, and a situational context in which the perception is occurring.


Statement I.The ultimate collective bargaining weapon of an employer is the ability to take a strike.
Statement II.Nearly 25% of all collective bargaining negotiations end up as strikes or lockouts.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On May 31, 2024



The term structure of interest rates:

A) Compares the real rate of return on coupon bonds for various maturities.
B) Compares the nominal versus the real rates of return over time.
C) Reflects the nominal interest rates on default-free, pure discount bonds.
D) Reflects the difference between the actual time value of money and the rate of return on Canadian Government securities.
E) Is the basic real rate of return which is held constant over time.

On May 02, 2024



Radeit Microprocessors, a microprocessor manufacturing firm, has developed a new glue that enables the company to stack more processors on a single chip than any other microprocessor manufacturer has been able to stack. In this scenario, Radeit Microprocessor has attained _____.

A) competitive advantage
B) competitive inertia
C) behavioral competency
D) constructive dismissal

On May 01, 2024