


Which West German chancellor thawed relations with the Soviet Union and East Germany in the 1970s?

A) Helmut Kohl
B) Ludwig Erhard
C) Erich Honecker
D) Willy Brandt
E) Gerhard Schröder

On Aug 04, 2024



What accounted for the bad governance of so many cities in the Gilded Age?

A) There was too much red tape.
B) Citizens did not pay the taxes to fund proper city government.
C) Political machines often were more interested in lining their pockets than serving their constituents.
D) Most city dwellers felt they did not need a city government.

On Jul 06, 2024



Why was the Petition of Right (1628) an important addition to the English Constitution?

A) It solidified Catholic control over the English government.
B) It ensured that Scotland would remain a Protestant power.
C) It brought Ireland under the control of English monarchs.
D) It formalized the relationship between England and Spain.
E) It defined the rights of Parliament in its dealings with the English monarchy.

On Jul 05, 2024



Who drafted the Albany Plan of Union?

A) George Washington
B) Benjamin Franklin
C) William Pitt
D) John Peter Zenger
E) Thomas Jefferson

On Jun 05, 2024



The first French explorations of the New World

A) brought great riches to France.
B) were intended to locate the Northwest Passage.
C) led to successful colonies in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.
D) were in response to an intense rivalry with the Netherlands.
E) created no permanent settlements until the eighteenth century.

On Jun 04, 2024



Discuss the confrontation between the proponents and opponents of the Second Bank of the United States. How was the issue resolved and with what consequences?

On Jun 02, 2024

The confrontation between the proponents and opponents of the Second Bank of the United States was a significant political and economic issue in the early 19th century. Proponents of the bank, led by Alexander Hamilton and his followers, believed that a national bank was necessary to stabilize the country's financial system and promote economic growth. They argued that the bank would provide a stable currency, regulate state banks, and facilitate government borrowing.

On the other hand, opponents of the bank, led by Thomas Jefferson and his supporters, believed that the bank was unconstitutional and favored the interests of the wealthy over the common people. They argued that the bank's charter violated states' rights and that it concentrated too much financial power in the hands of a few.

The confrontation between the two sides came to a head during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Jackson, a staunch opponent of the bank, vetoed the recharter of the bank in 1832, leading to a bitter political battle. Ultimately, the issue was resolved when the bank's charter expired in 1836 and it ceased to operate as a national institution.

The consequences of this confrontation were significant. The demise of the Second Bank of the United States led to a period of financial instability and economic hardship, as state banks were left unchecked and speculative lending increased. This ultimately contributed to the Panic of 1837, a severe economic downturn.

Additionally, the confrontation over the bank highlighted the deep political divisions in the country, particularly between the supporters of a strong federal government and those who favored states' rights. These divisions would continue to shape American politics in the years to come, ultimately leading to the Civil War.

In conclusion, the confrontation between the proponents and opponents of the Second Bank of the United States was a pivotal moment in American history, with far-reaching consequences for the country's economy and political landscape.


Which of the following statements accurately describes American allies during the War for Independence?

A) While the French offered their help freely, Spain was promised a cash payment for its aid.
B) France and Spain were initially reluctant to aid America, as the colonies were entirely Protestant.
C) The Americans only managed to gain the support of Portugal, while France and Spain supported the British.
D) Spain was promised extensive territory in the American Southwest if the Americans won.
E) France and Spain fought with the Americans largely because of well-established rivalries with Britain.

On May 07, 2024



How did black Americans feel about the colonization movement?

A) They fully accepted it.
B) They were adamantly opposed.
C) The objected to it but were willing to compromise.
D) They accepted it but wanted to choose the destination.

On May 05, 2024



Congress nearly passed a clause in the Ordinance of 1784 that would have prohibited slavery throughout the West.

On May 04, 2024



American business relations with Canton promoted a lucrative trade in what commodity?

A) Tea
B) Fur
C) Rice
D) Timber

On May 02, 2024