


When Charmaine was 10 years old, she completed the original Binet-Simon scale. She answered all the questions that a typical six-year-old would answer, but none of the questions a typical seven-year-old would answer. Based on this information, Charmaine's mental age would be

A) 10 years.
B) 6 years.
C) 8 years.
D) 60 years.

On Jul 21, 2024



How does the motor cortex change in response to damage?

On Jul 17, 2024

The motor cortex can change in response to damage in a few different ways. One common response is for the surrounding areas of the motor cortex to reorganize and take over the functions of the damaged area. This is known as cortical reorganization and can lead to some degree of recovery of motor function.

In some cases, the motor cortex may also undergo changes in its connectivity with other areas of the brain. This can result in altered patterns of neural activity and may contribute to changes in motor function following damage.

Additionally, damage to the motor cortex can lead to changes in the levels of neurotransmitters and other signaling molecules in the brain, which can further impact motor function.

Overall, the specific changes that occur in the motor cortex in response to damage can vary depending on the nature and extent of the damage, as well as individual differences in brain plasticity and recovery potential.


Which child living in single-parent homes has the best chance of being well-adjusted?

A) Trina, who lives with her mother and her live-in boyfriend
B) Jessica, who lives with her older adult sister and her husband
C) Devin, who lives in a house with his mother and grandmother
D) Michael, who lives with just his mother

On Jun 21, 2024



When Billy is asked "What are you like?" he replies,"I am a good boy with brown hair." Two weeks earlier,Billy did not apply such labels to himself.Approximately how old would you guess Billy to be?

A) At least 13 months
B) 19 to 24 months
C) At least 4 years
D) At least 6 years

On Jun 17, 2024



Which form of psychotherapy is especially effective in coping with depression and reducing suicide risk?

A) facilitated communication
B) behavior therapy
C) psychoanalysis
D) cognitive therapy

On May 20, 2024



Which of the following is a correct statement about life reviews of healthy older adults?

A) They are devoid of comedy, nuances, and complexity.
B) They are typically simple and straightforward.
C) They are sometimes incoherent and self-contradictory.
D) They are characteristically meaningless and ironical.

On May 17, 2024