


Little Albert's acquired fear of a white rat was a classic example of a(n) __________ response.

A) classical counterconditioned
B) conditioned emotional
C) positively reinforced
D) negatively reinforced

On Aug 01, 2024



In the context of the effects of aging on men and women, which of the following statements is true?

A) The risk of developing heart disease early is higher in women than in men.
B) Age-related changes tend to occur more gradually in women than in men.
C) Arthritis is more common in men than in women.
D) Osteoporosis poses a greater threat to women than to men.

On Jul 31, 2024



Explain the connection between Émile Durkheim and mass society theory.Is it confirmed by research? Why or why not?

On Jul 02, 2024

The foundation for mass society theory can be traced back to Émile Durkheim and his belief that people need to feel connected to the society around them in order for the individual and the society to be healthy.Mass society theory suggests that the forces of industrialization and urbanization,as well as the sheer size and pace of our contemporary world,are diminishing our ties to those around us.Without these ties,people are left feeling alienated,vulnerable to manipulation by elites,and prone to extremist social movements.
Beginning with the work of William Kornhauser,mass society theory has argued that people who feel socially isolated are attracted to social movements as a way of connecting with others and gaining a sense of importance and belonging.According to Kornhauser,then,the people who are most likely to participate in social movements are those who lack ties to the community.However,recent research challenges this assumption.For example,Thomson found no evidence to suggest that modern society has diminished people's kinship ties or connections to their local community.Additionally,those who feel most connected are most likely to join with others to achieve collective benefit.


Leslie,a gifted student,was allowed to advance straight from second to fourth grade.What type of program is Leslie a part of?

A) Enrichment
B) Acceleration
C) Special
D) Advanced

On Jun 30, 2024



________ tend to emphasize the ways people strive for self-determination and self-realization.

A) Psychodynamic theorists
B) Behaviorists
C) Humanistic theorists
D) Trait theorists

On Jun 02, 2024



There is some hope that ________ discovered in the human embryo can someday be used to generate replacements for damaged neurons in the brain.

A) gene fragments
B) somatosensory neurons
C) optic nerves
D) stem cells

On May 31, 2024



Identify the two distinct components of Montesquieu's contribution to sociological theory.

On May 03, 2024

Montesquieu's contribution to sociological theory is his appreciation for cultural diversity,as evidenced in his book,The Person Letters,which demonstrated his ability to write from the perspective of someone outside his own culture.In effect,he practised the sociological imagination by forcing himself,and his readers,to look at themselves and see the strange in the familiar.
Second,his interest in studying other countries and cultures demonstrated his comparative approach to research methods,which allowed social scientists to analyze various social phenomena cross-nationally.


The process through which unused dendrites atrophy and die is called:

A) pruning.
B) degeneration.
C) transitional exuberance.
D) myelination.

On May 01, 2024



Discuss the sleeping patterns of infants.

On Apr 30, 2024

Answers will vary. As adults, we spend about one-third of our time sleeping. Neonates greatly outdo us, spending two-thirds of their time, or about 16 hours per day, in sleep. And, in one of life's basic challenges to parents, neonates do not sleep their 16 hours consecutively. The typical infant has about six cycles of waking and sleeping in a 24-hour period. The longest nap typically approaches four and a half hours, and the neonate is usually awake for a little more than one hour during each cycle. After a month or so, the infant has fewer but longer sleep periods and will usually take longer naps during the night. By the ages of about six months to one year, many infants begin to sleep through the night. Some infants start sleeping through the night earlier. A number of infants begin to sleep through the night for a week or so and then revert to their wakeful ways again for a while.


The research project called New Hope was formed to increase employment and reduce family poverty.What outcomes would be found later for the participants?

On Apr 29, 2024

improved reading,school performance,social skills,better psychosocial well-being,and self-efficacy