


How does corporate social responsibility promote employee engagement?

On Jul 13, 2024

Company-wide CSR programs promote a spirit of camaraderie among employees.Side by side as a group,managers and workers work toward a common goal that will benefit others and create a bond that benefits future workplace relationships.It also makes it easier to create support from within the company to advocate for the corporation's business goals.


Many people do not achieve their full potential because they are afraid to venture outside their ____________________.

On Jul 10, 2024

comfort zone​


"Dawn" is a song included in the sound track of "eDay," a movie produced and distributed by FasTrac Corporation. The song features a digital sampling of a few seconds of the guitar solo of one of George Harrison's copyrighted sound recordings without permission. Does this digital sampling constitute copyright infringement on the part of FasTrac? Explain.

On Jun 13, 2024

Yes, the digital sampling described in this question most likely would be held to constitute copyright infringement. To transfer materially digitally, online or otherwise, it must be "copied." So, generally, whenever a party downloads music or other software into a computer's random access memory, or RAM, without authorization, a copyright is infringed. In other words, technology has vastly increased the potential for copyright infringement. Thus, digitally sampling a copyrighted sound recording of any length constitutes copyright infringement.
In this question, a few seconds of the guitar solo of one of George Harrison's copyrighted sound recordings has been digitally sampled without permission in "Dawn." This song is then included in the film "eDay," which is produced and distributed by FasTrac. The sampling involved "copying" the solo digitally into a computer. This constitutes copyright infringement.


Which of the following is a soft cost associated with replacing workers?

A) lost customer contacts
B) advertisements
C) lost production
D) recruitment costs

On Jun 10, 2024



Mirroring or mimicry happens when people take part in similar actions at relatively the same time (i.e. within three to five seconds).

On May 13, 2024



The strategic plan for an organizational change:

A) is a blueprint for action
B) should include a timetable for implementation and evaluation of the change
C) should be monitored using measurement criteria
D) should consider all the possible alternative ways to proceed with the change
E) is accurately described by all of the above

On May 11, 2024