


Early criminologists believed deviance was intrinsically real because they believed criminals possessed

A) a superior way of life.
B) the same biological traits found in non-criminals.
C) a distinctive set of labels that set them apart from non-criminals.
D) certain biological traits absent in non-criminals.

On Aug 02, 2024



Chances for protest emerge when influential allies support protesters,when ruling political alignments become unstable,and when elite groups get divided and come into conflict with one another.This suggests that collective action and social movements do not occur just when disadvantaged groups become more powerful but also when:

A) elites and privileged groups struggle against social movements
B) elites focus on protecting their privilege
C) elites and privileged groups become divided and weaker
D) the poor become disenchanted with politics and avoid collective action
E) all of these choices

On Jul 27, 2024



What is a virtual community?

On Jul 25, 2024

A virtual community is an association of people,scattered across a country or planet,who communicate via computer and modem about a subject of common interest.


Lisa has always been romantically attracted to girls and women, and she entered into her first relationship with a woman while in college. What is Lisa's sexual orientation?

A) gay
B) lesbian
C) bisexual
D) asexual

On Jul 23, 2024



Morgan was diagnosed with inoperable colon cancer and told he had probably six months left to live. Two months after the diagnosis, Morgan begins to write letters to his children and old friends, telling them all the things he feels he should have said but didn't. According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, what emotion is he most likely experiencing?

A) anger
B) acceptance
C) negotiation
D) depression

On Jul 02, 2024



Auguste Comte and Hebert Spencer are the most widely read and therefore influential classic sociological theorists.

On Jun 27, 2024



Of the following,which is the most important cause of maternal mortality in less developed nations?

A) herpes
B) emphysema
C) unsterile abortion
D) illegal drug use
E) breast-feeding

On Jun 25, 2024



Which of the following is a macro-level factor that affects our decision to marry?

A) technological advances in contraceptive techniques
B) desire to be independent
C) physical or mental disability
D) waiting for a soul mate

On Jun 24, 2024



Identify and discuss three lines of evidence demonstrating the social basis of sexuality.

On Jun 22, 2024

1) Historical and cultural variations in sexual norms and practices: Different societies and cultures have different attitudes towards sexuality, with some being more conservative and others being more liberal. This suggests that sexual behavior is influenced by social and cultural factors rather than being purely biological.

2) Social construction of sexual identities: The concept of sexual orientation and gender identity is a social construct, meaning that it is shaped by societal norms and expectations. For example, the idea of heterosexuality as the norm and other sexual orientations as deviations is a social construct that has a significant impact on how individuals perceive and express their sexuality.

3) Impact of social institutions on sexual behavior: Institutions such as religion, education, and the media play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards sexuality. For example, religious teachings often dictate moral codes related to sexuality, while educational institutions and the media can influence individuals' understanding of sexual norms and behaviors.

These lines of evidence demonstrate that sexuality is not solely determined by biological factors, but is also heavily influenced by social and cultural forces. This understanding is important for addressing issues related to sexual health, rights, and equality, as it highlights the need to consider the social context in which sexual behavior occurs.


It is relatively rare for prostitutes in the United States and other Western countries to contract the AIDS virus from their sex work.

On May 26, 2024
