Christopher Sinclair




Which of the following statements is the most accurate definition of efficiency?

A) A measure of a specific intervention, procedure, regimen, or service produces a beneficial result under ideal conditions.
B) The process of testing a vaccine in a community where some of individuals do not want to be vaccinated.
C) The process of testing a new drug in a community where individuals have various compliances of drug intake.
D) The process of estimating the best effort of intervention or procedure.
E) The effects or end results achieved in relation to the effort expended in terms of money, resources, and time.

On Sep 27, 2024



Which of the following is not part of the respiratory hygiene recommendations established by the CDC?

A) Controlling the source of transmission
B) Using proper hand hygiene
C) Separating patients with respiratory infections from other patients in waiting areas
D) Putting masks on all patients who show signs of respiratory disease
E) Posting cough etiquette signs

On Sep 22, 2024