


Is substance abuse by adults a major problem in America?

On Jul 31, 2024

Answers will vary. It is not true that substance abuse is rare in late adulthood, but the motives for use among older adults differ from those we find among teenagers and early adults. Abuse or misuse of medication (prescription and over-the-counter drugs), much of which is unintentional, poses a serious health threat to older Americans. Forty percent of prescription drugs in the United States are taken by people aged 60 and older, and more than half of them take two to five medications daily. Among the most commonly used drugs are blood pressure medication, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. Taken correctly, prescription drugs can be of help. If used incorrectly, they can be harmful. Millions of older adults are addicted to, or risk becoming addicted to, prescription drugs, especially tranquilizers. About a quarter of a million older adults are hospitalized each year because of adverse drug reactions. Reasons include the following:
1. The dosage of drugs is too high. Because bodily functions slow with age (such as the ability of the liver and kidneys to clear drugs out of the body), the same amount of drug can have stronger effects and last longer in older people.
2. Some people may misunderstand directions or be unable to keep track of their usage.
3. Many older persons have more than one doctor, and treatment plans may not be coordinated.


Early studies showed that people and ants work _____ when in the presence of others than when alone.

A) faster
B) more for themselves
C) slower
D) more effortlessly

On Jul 28, 2024



Which task is involved in analogy problems such as "Dog is to puppy as cat is to ____"

A)  inducing structure
B)  arrangement 
C)  mental set
D)  transformation

On Jul 01, 2024



Tamiko hates the bitter taste of her cough syrup. Which of the following would she find most helpful in minimizing the syrup's bad taste?

A) tasting something very sweet before taking the cough syrup
B) keeping the syrup in her mouth for several seconds before swallowing it
C) holding her nose while taking the cough syrup
D) gulping the cough syrup so that it misses her tongue

On Jun 28, 2024



According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) ,what does a person have to display to qualify for a classification of intellectual disability

A)  an IQ of 75 or below and poor functioning in everyday living skills 
B)  an IQ of 75 or below and adaptive functioning in everyday living skills 
C)  an IQ of 70 or below and adaptive functioning in everyday living skills 
D)  an IQ of 70 or below and poor functioning in everyday living skills

On Jun 01, 2024



Schemas become more complex as:

A) more instances are encountered.
B) we continue to study social psychology.
C) information overload is reduced.
D) fewer instances relate to it.

On May 29, 2024