


AshtonSep, a transnational company, is organized based on three categories: different geographies (such as Asia and Australia) , different products (such as airlines, telecom service, and supermarkets) , and different activities (such as sales, operations, marketing, and customer advocacy) . These units serve the entire organization. It is evident that AshtonSep has adopted a _____ for the entire organization.

A) functional structure
B) matrix structure
C) divisional structure
D) transverse structure

On Jul 20, 2024



_____ are businesses that offer short-term loans at substantially higher rates of interest than banks.

A) Brokerage firms
B) Investment firms
C) Finance companies
D) Mutual fund providers
E) Insurance companies

On Jul 17, 2024



When the ownership percentage of stock exceeds 20 percent but is less than 50 percent,GAAP presumes that the investor

A) has no influence to exert over the investee company.
B) is only investing for a short term trading position.
C) is able to exert influence over the investee company.
D) is trying to take over the investee company.

On Jun 20, 2024



A leader with a(n) _____ uses interaction and collaboration with followers to direct work and the work environment.

A) autocratic style
B) democratic style
C) laissez-faire style
D) transformational style

On Jun 17, 2024



What are the positive and negative effects of a strategy based on gaining market share?

On May 21, 2024

Market share certainly provides some specific benefits,including economies of scale,experience curve effects,and leverage to influence market wide norms (such as price points and discounting patterns).These benefits may lead to marketplace and financial success.However,there is also evidence that share is not the only route to profitability and that the very act of defining strategy and objectives by market share metrics may hurt performance.Research indicates that internally focused objectives are far more effective than competitor-oriented objectives.


Two different products are being considered for production. The cost structures are listed below on a per unit basis. Which product should be produced, using revenue retrieval analysis?
 Product  Blue  Resale Revenue  Recycling Revenue  Processing Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $4.25$3.81$1.26$2.48 Part B $5.78$2.14$1.04$1.07 Part C $2.13$0.87$0.92$0\begin{array} {| l | l | l | l | l |} \hline\text { Product } & & & & \\\text { Blue } & \text { Resale Revenue } & \text { Recycling Revenue } & \text { Processing Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 4.25 & \$ 3.81 & \$ 1.26 & \$ 2.48 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 5.78 & \$ 2.14 & \$ 1.04 & \$ 1.07 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 2.13 & \$ 0.87 & \$ 0.92 & \$ 0\\\hline\end{array} Product  Blue  Part A  Part B  Part C  Resale Revenue $4.25$5.78$2.13 Recycling Revenue $3.81$2.14$0.87 Processing Cost $1.26$1.04$0.92 Disposal Cost $2.48$1.07$0  Product  Yellow  Resale Revenue  Recycling Revenue  Processing Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.84$6.54$2.16$0.88 Part B $6.14$5.45$3.48$0.97 Part C $0.85$0.69$0.41$0.31\begin{array} {| l | l | l | l | l | } \hline \text { Product } & & & & \\\text { Yellow } & \text { Resale Revenue } & \text { Recycling Revenue } & \text { Processing Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.84 & \$ 6.54 & \$ 2.16 & \$ 0.88 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 6.14 & \$ 5.45 & \$ 3.48 & \$ 0.97 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 0.85 & \$ 0.69 & \$ 0.41 & \$ 0.31 \\\hline\end{array} Product  Yellow  Part A  Part B  Part C  Resale Revenue $5.84$6.14$0.85 Recycling Revenue $6.54$5.45$0.69 Processing Cost $2.16$3.48$0.41 Disposal Cost $0.88$0.97$0.31

On May 18, 2024

 Product Blue  Resale  Revenueling  Processing  Revenue  Revenue  Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $4.25$3.81$1.26$2.48 Part B $5.78$2.14$1.04$1.07 Part C $2.13$0.87$0.92$0 Total \begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | l | } \hline { \text { Product Blue } } & \text { Resale } & \text { Revenueling } & \text { Processing } & \\ & \text { Revenue } & \text { Revenue } & \text { Cost } & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 4.25 & \$ 3.81 & \$ 1.26 & \$ 2.48 \\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 5.78 & \$ 2.14 & \$ 1.04 & \$ 1.07 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 2.13 & \$ 0.87 & \$ 0.92 & \$ 0 \\\hline \text { Total } & & & & \\\hline\end{array} Product Blue  Part A  Part B  Part C  Total  Resale  Revenue $4.25$5.78$2.13 Revenueling  Revenue $3.81$2.14$0.87 Processing  Cost $1.26$1.04$0.92 Disposal Cost $2.48$1.07$0  Product  Yellow  Resale Revenue Recycling  Revenue  Processing  Cost  Disposal Cost  Part A $5.84$6.54$2.16$0.88 Part B $6.14$5.45$3.48$0.97 Part C $0.85$0.69$0.41$0.31 Total \begin{array} { | l | l | l | l | l | } \hline \begin{array} { l } \text { Product } \\\text { Yellow }\end{array} & \text { Resale Revenue} & \begin{array} { l } \text { Recycling } \\\text { Revenue }\end{array} & \begin{array} { l } \text { Processing } \\\text { Cost }\end{array} & \text { Disposal Cost } \\\hline \text { Part A } & \$ 5.84 & \$ 6.54 & \$ 2.16 &\$0.88\\\hline \text { Part B } & \$ 6.14 & \$ 5.45 & \$ 3.48 & \$ 0.97 \\\hline \text { Part C } & \$ 0.85 & \$ 0.69 & \$ 0.41 & \$ 0.31 \\\hline \text { Total } & & & & \\\hline\end{array} Product  Yellow  Part A  Part B  Part C  Total  Resale Revenue$5.84$6.14$0.85 Recycling  Revenue $6.54$5.45$0.69 Processing  Cost $2.16$3.48$0.41 Disposal Cost $0.88$0.97$0.31 Blue: $12.16 + $6.82 = $3.22 = $3.55 = $12.24
Yellow: $12.83 + $12.68 = $6.05 = $2.16 = $17.30
Yellow is the best at $17.30