


Which type of accountant typically practices as an individual or as a member of a public accounting firm?

A) Certified Public Accountant
B) Certified Payroll Professional
C) Certified Internal Auditor
D) Certified Management Accountant

On Jul 28, 2024



What is a merger? Identify and describe three different types of mergers.

On Jul 23, 2024

A merger is the combination of two organizations to create a third organization.
Horizontal merger: the merging of two competitors. The competitors combine to increase market power. These mergers are subject to review by regulators who fear monopoly in the marketplace (for example, the merging of Coles Books and Smith Books to form Chapters, which was then acquired by Indigo).
Vertical merger: the merger of a buyer and seller or supplier. These two merge to achieve synergies by controlling all factors affecting the company’s success, from the production of raw goods to manufacturing to distribution and sales. The example provided is the merger of a real estate agency with a real estate developer.
Conglomerate merger: the merger of two organizations competing in different markets. These are different businesses competing in different markets.
Acquisition: the purchase of a company or a controlling interest in a company.
Consolidation: two or more organizations join and form a new organization. A third company takes on the assets and liabilities of both companies, usually after the original companies are dissolved (for example, Metro Toronto Hospital consolidations).
Takeover: one company acquires another company. Usually a takeover refers to a hostile transaction, but it can mean a friendly merger as well. A hostile takeover refers to the acquisition of a company against the wishes of management.


Target selling price to be achieved in the long term
A)Total cost method
B)Variable cost method
C)Normal selling price
D)Product cost method
E)Yield pricing

On Jun 26, 2024



An increase in the firm's beta will always decrease a firm's cost of equity, when calculated using the SML approach.

On Jun 23, 2024



Sunk costs:

A) can only be measured in monetary terms.
B) are opportunity costs.
C) should influence a person's choice if that person is a marginal decision maker.
D) lower the efficiency of production.
E) should not be considered when making economic decisions.

On May 27, 2024



If the U.S.imposed a quota on motorcycle imports from Japan it would lead to a _____ quantity imported,and a _______ quantity produced in the U.S.

A) lower;higher
B) higher;lower
C) lower;lower
D) higher;higher

On May 24, 2024