


What nation did the Soviet Union invade in 1979,bringing an end to détente?

A) Iran
B) Finland
C) Afghanistan
D) Turkey
E) Poland

On Aug 03, 2024



Virtually every founding father owned at least one slave at some point in his life. Who was a notable exception?

A) George Washington
B) John Adams
C) Thomas Jefferson
D) Benjamin Franklin
E) James Madison

On Jul 04, 2024



During the presidential campaign of 1896, _________________.

A) William McKinley crisscrossed the nation, constantly speaking about the issues
B) William Jennings Bryan was so sure of victory that he did little campaigning
C) William Jennings Bryan lost votes when revelations about his private life caused people to question his moral judgment
D) William McKinley made speeches on moderation and prosperity in which he offered something to everyone

On Jul 02, 2024



How did the English conquest of New Netherland affect freedom in the colony?

A) Women in New York were now able to conduct business in their own names, which greatly expanded the number of women traders by 1700.
B) Black New Yorkers now had expanded access to many skilled jobs, and the number of runaway slaves from the South increased.
C) The Duke of York and his appointees withdrew the immense grants of land that the Dutch had awarded to favorite wealthy families.
D) The duke declared that the new elected assembly would include at least ten representatives chosen by the Iroquois Confederacy.
E) The Charter of Liberties and Privileges established an elections process and reaffirmed traditional English rights such as trial by jury and security of property.

On Jun 04, 2024



The wife in an upper-class antebellum Southern family was _____________.

A) legally subordinate to her husband
B) usually responsible for managing the budget
C) frequently the real, if tacit, authority in the family
D) roughly equal to the husband in influence and responsibility

On Jun 02, 2024



Which is true of free blacks who owned slaves?

A) In many cases, these "slaves" were family members they had purchased and could not legally free.
B) They had a reputation for being particularly brutal owners.
C) They were prohibited from selling their slaves at a profit.
D) They were prohibited from owning more than ten slaves.
E) In a few cases, the slaves they owned were impoverished whites.

On May 31, 2024



In which country did peasants have the most independence?

A) France
B) Russia
C) Sweden
D) England
E) Italy

On May 07, 2024



Why did immigrants build elaborate ranching and farming outposts in the deserts of Australia?

A) They had learned the necessary dry-farming techniques in Kansas.
B) There was no other land available after the American frontier officially closed in 1890.
C) They believed the claim of boosters of the American West that rain followed land cultivation.
D) They did not realize that this part of Australia was arid until it was too late to turn back.

On May 04, 2024



What prompted the Red Scare in the United States in 1919?

On May 03, 2024

Dramatic reductions in war industries left many workers unemployed and others with reduced wages. Empowered by labor-friendly legislation of the early Wilson years, unions struck nationwide. Against the background of the Russian revolution middle class Americans responded with fear and panic over a possible revolution - see the Palmer Raids, the bombing of Wall Street in September 1920.


The Spanish Reconquista required that all Muslims and Jews convert to Catholicism or leave Spain immediately.

On May 01, 2024
