


The early school of thought in psychology known as functionalism was promoted by

A) Wilhelm Wundt.
B) William James.
C) John B.Watson.
D) Carl Rogers.

On Jul 24, 2024



What is the difference between a trait approach and a typological approach to personality? What are some of the common personality types identified by researchers? What are the limitations to the typological approach? What are personality types useful for?

On Jul 21, 2024

The trait approach to personality focuses on identifying and measuring specific traits or characteristics that individuals possess. This approach assumes that personality can be broken down into a set of distinct traits, such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Researchers using the trait approach seek to understand how these traits interact and influence an individual's behavior and experiences.

On the other hand, the typological approach to personality categorizes individuals into specific personality types based on a combination of traits. This approach suggests that people can be grouped into distinct categories or types, such as introverts or extroverts, based on their dominant traits. The typological approach focuses on understanding how these types differ from one another and how they impact an individual's behavior and well-being.

Some common personality types identified by researchers include the Type A and Type B personalities, which are characterized by differences in behavior, attitudes, and stress levels. Other personality types include the Big Five personality types (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types, which categorize individuals based on their preferences in perception and judgment.

While the typological approach can provide a useful framework for understanding personality differences, it also has limitations. One limitation is that it may oversimplify the complexity of individual personalities by categorizing them into a limited number of types. Additionally, individuals may not neatly fit into a single personality type, as personality traits can vary in intensity and expression across different situations and contexts.

Personality types can be useful for understanding individual differences, predicting behavior, and guiding interventions in clinical and organizational settings. For example, identifying personality types can help mental health professionals tailor treatment approaches to better meet the needs of their clients. In organizational settings, understanding personality types can inform hiring decisions, team dynamics, and leadership development. However, it's important to recognize that personality types are not rigid classifications and should be used as a starting point for understanding individual differences rather than as definitive labels.


The address for obtaining tickets to a popular quiz show flashes on the TV screen,but the image disappears before Sergei has had a chance to write down the complete address.To his surprise,however,he has retained a momentary mental image of the five-digit zip code.His experience best illustrates ________ memory.

A) iconic
B) implicit
C) echoic
D) procedural

On Jun 24, 2024



Hubel and Wiesel discovered feature detectors in the visual

A) fovea.
B) optic nerve.
C) iris.
D) cortex.

On Jun 21, 2024



Why are the six core critical thinking skills not presented as a numbered list?

On May 25, 2024

Critical thinking is the process of reflective judgment that uses skills but is not equivalent to a simple linear set of skills. We use the skills in concert with one another to form the judgment about what to believe or what to do. Critical thinking has certain important features in common with looking for an address while driving on a busy and unfamiliar street. The key similarity to notice here is that critical thinking requires using all the skills in concert, emphasizing one or the other or multiple skills at the same time, depending on the ever changing situation. It would be an unfortunate, crude, and misleading oversimplification to reduce critical thinking to a rote list of skills, like the steps in the recipe on the lid of dehydrated soup: first analyze, then infer, then explain, then close the lid, and wait five minutes.


Your memory of an event that happened on your first day of high school is both a ____________________ memory and an ____________________ memory.

On May 22, 2024

declarative, episodic