Cyril Austin Sales




Which of the following statements is true of using silence when facilitating groups?

A) Silence indicates that the facilitator is nervous.
B) Silence can indicate to the group that the facilitator does not intend to dominate.
C) Silence can indicate to the group that the facilitator intends to dominate.
D) Silence indicates that the facilitator is not prepared.
E) Silence indicates the information being discussed is unimportant.

On May 14, 2024



Telenutrition is not a legal medium to deliver nutrition services.

On May 11, 2024



What factors must nutrition counselors consider when setting physical activity goals with clients?

On May 09, 2024

When setting physical activity goals with clients, nutrition counselors need to keep in mind that initial goals should be modest and be increased gradually. Modest and gradual goals will prevent extreme soreness and injury and maintain a client's motivation. If goals are not modest, some clients will likely give up on the goal quickly. Nutrition counselors should also take into consideration that the goals should be enjoyable, safe, convenient, and affordable. Enjoyable physical activity goals should include an activity your clients want to do, not what you or anyone else wants the client to do. If a client is not able to exercise in a safe environment, then you can work with them to find a suitable place in their home. Additionally, physical activity should be convenient within reason. Often, people don't have time to go to the gym, so tracking steps using a pedometer might be a viable option. Finally, physical activity should not have to require a cost or fee. Work with your client to determine free or low-cost physical activity options.