


Which of the following is most clearly an operant behavior?

A) blinking
B) salivating
C) complaining
D) blushing

On Jul 09, 2024



How is the Strange Situation used to study attachment in young children? What are typical patterns of findings?

On Jul 05, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-One-year-old children and their mothers report to a laboratory, where they meet another adult.
-The mother then leaves the room, prompting most babies to cry and become upset.
-When the mother returns, differences in attachment are seen.
-Securely attached babies tend to smile and look happy to see their mothers.
-Anxious babies continue crying even after the mother's return and remain difficult to comfort.
-Avoidant babies look away from their mothers and refuse to acknowledge them.


Six-year-old Dylan was taught a card game in which aces are "wild." His friend suggests that they make all the eights wild as well.Dylan insists that this is impossible as only aces can be wild.Piaget would describe Dylan as being in the stage of ________ morality.

A) autonomous
B) immanent
C) conventional
D) heteronomous

On Jun 07, 2024



People with ________ experience complete cessation of respiratory activity for brief periods of time yet do not have frequent awakenings and do not tend to feel tired during the day.

A) central sleep apnea
B) circadian rhythm sleep disorder
C) restless legs syndrome
D) insomnia

On Jun 05, 2024



Illusory conjunctions occur when __________.

A) a subject reports having seen a stimulus even after they have been told it is not included in an array
B) when subjects become confused about how the various aspects of a display were bundled together
C) when subjects think they saw something because it is important to them
D) all of the above

On May 07, 2024



Susan is about to start taking an SSRI for her depression and expects her life to return to normal immediately. Susan should realize that, like all medications, SSRIs have limitations, including the following.

A) They begin to work only after about one month or so.
B) They cause insomnia in upward of 30% of patients.
C) They cause lack of sexual desire or sexual response in upward of 30% of patients.
D) All of the above answers are correct.

On May 06, 2024



At the parent/teacher conference in school,Ms.Johnson wants to share information about Meredith's socioemotional development with her parents.What topic will she not include?

A) her height and weight changes since the beginning of school
B) her relationships with peers on the playground
C) her ability to work collaboratively on a group project
D) her leadership skills within her small peer group

On May 04, 2024



Which of the following is a recent development in treating anorexia nervosa?

A) the use of online treatment and apps.
B) prohibiting the client from using the Internet and apps to keep from viewing thin models and celebrities.
C) High intensity internal training at the gym
D) exposure therapy

On May 02, 2024



Classical conditioning is a type of learning

A) in which a behavior becomes more likely to recur if followed by a reinforcer or less likely to recur if followed by a punisher.
B) in which we link two or more stimuli.
C) that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus.
D) that references mental processes.

On May 01, 2024