


A home having an annual tax bill of $2,460 was sold at the end of the eighth month of the taxable year. The seller had already paid the entire tax for the year. How much tax was the seller reimbursed on proration of taxes at the time of the sale?​

On May 29, 2024



A legal dispute delayed for 18 months the disbursement of a $500,000 bequest designated to provide quarterly payments in perpetuity to a hospice. While under the jurisdiction of the court, the funds earned interest at the rate of 5% compounded semi-annually. The hospice has just invested the $500,000 along with its earnings in a perpetual fund earning 5.2% compounded semi-annually. What payments will the hospice receive beginning three months from now?

On May 27, 2024



A $1000.00 face value Series 114 compound interest CSB was redeemed on August 8, 2013. What was its redemption value?

On May 26, 2024
