


Anna always chooses the taller of two glasses when her older brother pours each of them a glass of juice.Even though there is the same amount of juice in each glass,she believes that there is more juice in hers.Anna does not yet understand the concept of "_____."

On Jul 28, 2024



Who among the following is most likely to be suffering from sleep apnea?

A) Nia, who occasionally wakes up from sleep gasping for breath due to a temporary suspension of breathing
B) Sam, who sometimes walks around while still asleep without being consciously aware of doing so
C) Beth, who has difficulty falling asleep, wakes up quite often during the night, and has trouble going back to sleep
D) Mike, who consistently feels drowsy all day and tends to sleep a lot

On Jul 25, 2024



What drawbacks and benefits are related to the joining of academia with industry and business practices?

On Jun 28, 2024

Answers should include: following market trends is not good for an academic institution,freedom of collecting pure research,publishing for a variety of audiences and not just for particular industries,market trend changes,and economic or political shifts.While all institutions should show some form of accountability,universities should not be encumbered by the persuasions of particular industry leaders to the exclusion of others.


In a longitudinal study of married couples, Gruber-Baldini and colleagues (1995) found that:

A) children often had a detrimental effect on the relationship.
B) at first testing, couples were similar in age and education.
C) the main predictor of happiness was the beauty of the woman.
D) spouses became less similar over time.

On Jun 25, 2024



Experimenters wanted to know the effects of smiling or frowning on the experience of emotion. To avoid problems with demand characteristics, the researchers had the participants in the experiment rate the funniness of cartoons while

A) viewing themselves in a distorted mirror.
B) holding a pen in their mouths, as a disabled person might.
C) their faces were numbed with a local anesthetic.
D) listening to a masking noise through a set of headphones.

On May 29, 2024



The _____ approach to psychology views the mind as an active and aware problem-solving system.This view contrasts with the _____ approach to psychology, which focuses on an organism's visible interactions with the environment.

A) behavioral/cognitive
B) cognitive/behavioral
C) psychodynamic/humanistic
D) humanistic/psychodynamic

On May 26, 2024