


What is the "stage of life phenomenon" in early adulthood?

On Jul 27, 2024

Research with college students has suggested that binge and heavy drinking may be part of a "stage of life phenomenon" for which the transition out of high school increases the risk. As they enter college, young people experience greater exposure to drinking and encounter higher levels of peer drinking and positive peer attitudes toward alcohol and alcohol use tends to increase. Most emerging adults report experiencing more positive consequences of drinking (such as feeling social) than negative consequences (such as cognitive impairment), which contributes to high rates of binge and heavy drinking in this age group. Although emerging adults who attend college tend to drink more than their noncollege attending peers, heavy drinking and alcohol-related problems are more common among emerging adults regardless of college enrollment.


The Müller-Lyer illusion exists in cultures in which there are ________.

A) more men than women
B) more women than men
C) lots of telephone poles
D) buildings with lots of corners

On Jul 25, 2024



Using multiple strategies to cope with stress has been related to

A) reduced depression.
B) reduced anxiety.
C) reduced distress.
D) all of these.

On Jun 27, 2024



The tangible benefits of work,such as salary,health insurance,and pension,are called "_____ rewards."

On Jun 25, 2024



Ben and Steve receive an essay assignment in their college course. Ben is eager to learn the material and willing to do careful research so he can put together a well-organized essay that presents cogent arguments for the perspective he hopes to discover as he learns more about the issues involved. Steve plans to wait until the night before the essay is due and then to cut and paste from whatever he can find on the Internet until he compiles enough pages to meet the professor's stated minimum. Which of the two students appears to be more disposed toward critical thinking? Explain why.

On May 27, 2024

Ben appears to be the stronger critical thinker because he exhibits inquisitiveness and wants to take a systematic approach to the learning challenge of writing an informed and cogent essay. Ben appears ready to ask good questions, probe deeply for the truth, and to inquire fully into the issues relating to the topic of the essay. Steve seems willing to do only the minimum necessary to fulfill the assignment, but without any desire to engage the issues or use the assignment to gain new knowledge.


Freud referred to a lingering focus of pleasure-seeking energies at an earlier psychosexual stage as

A) projection.
B) a fixation.
C) displacement.
D) repression.

On May 26, 2024