Davaamalar Angamuthu




The following statements refer specifically to sponges, specifically to cnidarians, or to both sponges and cnidarians. Which statement applies specifically to cnidarians?

A) The larval form is flagellated and able to swim to a suitable location.
B) Classification is based on the type of skeletal material.
C) They resemble a colony of flagellated cells more than a multicellular animal.
D) Specialized stinging cells are used to help capture prey.
E) Reproduction can be sexual or asexual.

On Jul 26, 2024



What traits of hominin teeth were associated with the shift from eating primarily fruits and leaves to eating seeds and nuts?

A) smaller incisors and canines
B) larger molars
C) thicker enamel
D) all of the above

On Jul 21, 2024



Consider a deciduous forest and its pyramid of biomass. Why are a large number of berry plants necessary to support a population of foxes?

On Jun 23, 2024

Each trophic level on a biomass pyramid experiences a reduction in biomass weight or volume. For example, assuming an average biomass reduction of about 90% for each trophic level, 10,000 kg of grass should support 1000 kg of grasshoppers, which in turn support 100 kg of frogs. Although the carnivores (frogs) do not eat producers, a large producer biomass is required to support carnivores in a food web.


How is enzyme activity regulated by feedback inhibition?

A) The end product of the metabolic pathway inactivates the first enzyme in the pathway.
B) The end product of the metabolic pathway inactivates the last enzyme in the pathway.
C) The end product of the metabolic pathway induces the first enzyme in the pathway.
D) The end product of the metabolic pathway degrades the first enzyme in the pathway.
E) The end product of the metabolic pathway degrades the last enzyme in the pathway.

On Jun 21, 2024



Financialization is the increased importance of financial markets, motives, results, and institutions relative to:

A) the production and delivery of goods and services
B) the development of global markets
C) international trade
D) labor and the environment

On May 24, 2024



Suppose that acetylcholine binds its receptor on the surface of a muscle cell. What happens next?

A) A sodium gate opens.
B) G protein is activated.
C) Tyrosine is phosphorylated.
D) Tyrosine kinase is activated.
E) A neurotransmitter crosses the synapse.

On May 21, 2024