


Erikson used the term __________ to describe the trouble adolescents experience in forging an identity.

A) moratorium
B) ego crisis
C) identity crisis
D) stagnation

On Jul 24, 2024



An experimenter announces, "This is an experiment on hypnosis." Although the experimenter does not actually hypnotize anyone, most of the participants behave the way they believe hypnotized people do. These results are an apparent example of the effects of

A) demand characteristics.
B) an illusory correlation.
C) random assignment.
D) experimenter bias.

On Jul 21, 2024



A reaction formation is a behavioral form of ________.

A) identification
B) rationalization
C) displacement
D) denial

On Jun 24, 2024



Describe and give three examples each of how action and perception,and perception and action can each guide behavior.

On Jun 21, 2024

Action and perception are closely linked in guiding behavior. Perception involves the interpretation of sensory information, while action involves the physical response to that information. Here are three examples of how action and perception can guide behavior:

1. Driving a car: When driving, perception of the road conditions, traffic signals, and other vehicles guides the actions of the driver. For example, perceiving a red light prompts the action of stopping the car.

2. Playing a musical instrument: When playing an instrument, perception of the notes and rhythm guides the actions of the musician. For example, perceiving a specific note prompts the action of pressing the corresponding key or string.

3. Cooking a meal: When cooking, perception of the ingredients, cooking times, and flavors guides the actions of the chef. For example, perceiving that a dish needs more seasoning prompts the action of adding salt or spices.

On the other hand, perception and action can also guide behavior in a similar way:

1. Sports performance: In sports, perception of the opponent's movements and the game situation guides the actions of the athlete. For example, perceiving an opening in the defense prompts the action of making a strategic move.

2. Social interactions: In social situations, perception of body language and facial expressions guides the actions of individuals. For example, perceiving a friend's sadness prompts the action of offering comfort or support.

3. Workplace tasks: In a work environment, perception of deadlines and project requirements guides the actions of employees. For example, perceiving a task that needs to be completed prompts the action of prioritizing and working on that task.

In both cases, the interaction between action and perception plays a crucial role in guiding behavior and decision-making.


____ was at the core of the fascist movements of the 20th century.

A) Deindividuation
B) Social facilitation
C) Optimal distinctiveness
D) Social loafing

On May 24, 2024



As a result of his impulsiveness,David has had several run-ins with teachers and law enforcement.According to Freud,David's ________ is being overwhelmed by the desires of the ________.

A) id;superego
B) ego;id
C) id;ego
D) collective unconscious;preconscious

On May 21, 2024