


Successful applicants use five types of comments as impression management tools during an interview.What are they?​

On Jul 30, 2024

Successful applicants use five types of comments (impression management tools).They are to describe yourself positively,describe past events with positive personal stories,express opinions that agree with the interviewer,claim responsibility for past successes and to compliment the company or interviewer.​


Which of the following entries records the collection of cash from cash customers?

A) Fees Earned, debit; Cash, credit
B) Fees Earned, debit; Accounts Receivable, credit
C) Cash, debit; Fees Earned, credit
D) Accounts Receivable, debit; Fees Earned, credit

On Jul 27, 2024



A succession plan must include legal aspects of any ownership transfer but need not address procedures for choosing or designating the firm's new leadership or any financial and estate plans relating to the transfer.

On Jun 30, 2024



In the context of cultural customs, which of the following is a difference between the United States and many Latin and African countries?

A) Unlike the United States, full-time work in many Latin and African countries consists of 40 hours a week.
B) Unlike the United States, many Latin and African countries value accomplishment and achievement regardless of age.
C) Unlike the United States, many Latin and African countries view time as more elastic.
D) Unlike the United States, many Latin and African countries have low power distance.

On Jun 27, 2024



Courts analyze government restrictions on commercial speech according to a four-part test established in Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp.v.Public Service Commission of New York.

On May 30, 2024



Explain what the fundamental attribution error is,and give an example.

On May 27, 2024

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to underestimate the influence of situational factors and to overestimate the influence of personal factors in evaluating someone else's behavior.This error causes the perceiver to ignore important environmental factors that often significantly affect another person's behavior.In organizations,employees may assign blame to other departments or individuals and fail to recognize the effect of the situation.For example,a CEO might attribute a high level of political behavior on the part of her vice presidents to aspects of their personalities,not recognizing that competition for scarce resources is causing much of the political behavior.


Which of the following types of content is encouraged by the chance to win a contest or receive free merchandise?

A) Counterfeit.
B) Sponsored.
C) Commercial.
D) Incentivized.
E) Organic.

On Apr 30, 2024



Which of the following is not a remedy for the bullwhip effect?

A) share demand information
B) channel coordination
C) order batching
D) price stabilization
E) allocate orders based on past demand

On Apr 27, 2024