


Read the following sentence(s) carefully. Then select the correct adjective or adverb in parentheses. Juan considered childhood to be the ( happier , happiest ) time of his life.

A) happier
B) happiest

On Sep 30, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Houseguests can be classified according to their level of self-sufficiency as independent, semi-dependent, or completely dependent. (2) Independent guests make an effort to fit their routines to yours; they make their own beds, cook breakfast if they get up early, and know how to entertain themselves if you have other things to do. (3) These usually are the guests you want to invite back. (4) Semi-dependent guests demand more of your attention and companionship; they may want to be driven around town or may urge you to play pool with them even though you hate pool or have a term paper due. (5) Still, the guests in this category may have charming qualities that make their visit worthwhile. (6) Most infuriating are the helplessly dependent guests, who enter your house as if it were a hospital or spa, expecting to be taken care of. (7) My friend George, for example, sprawls on a chair, his feet on my coffee table, complaining about his love life while I cook dinner and set the table. (8) After two days of waiting on George while I try to solve his problems, I'm exhausted. (9) As these categories show, houseguests are a mixed blessing ⎯ some more mixed than others.
How many categories are there?

A) two
B) three
C) four

On Sep 29, 2024



Read the following paragraph. For each set of sentences below the paragraph, select the letter of the sentence that provides the best revision for consistency; parallel structure; sentence variety; and fresh, concise language.
In 1929, toy dealer Edwin S. Lowe came across people having more fun than a barrel of monkeys while playing a game at a carnival in rural Georgia. A leader calls out each and every number, and the players use beans to cover the matching numbers on their cards. The winners yelled "Beano!" at the top of their lungs when they had filled in a row of numbers. Quick as a wink, Lowe saw the game was a winner. Sharp as a tack, he returned home and began testing the game on friends. Lowe markets the game as "Bingo!" and it sells like crazy.
Which sentence provides the best revision for consistency; parallel structure; sentence variety; and fresh, concise language?

A) In 1929, toy dealer Edwin S. Lowe comes across people having more fun than a barrel of monkeys while playing a game at a carnival in rural Georgia.
B) In 1929, toy dealer Edwin S. Lowe came across people having more fun than a barrel of monkeys while playing a game at a carnival in rural Georgia.
C) In 1929, toy dealer Edwin S. Lowe came across people enjoying themselves while playing a game at a carnival in rural Georgia.

On Sep 27, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) When it comes to cleanliness, homeowners seem to fall into one of three categories. (2) The first group includes the spotless perfectionists. (3) These people would be horrified if anyone walked into their home and found even one speck of dirt, so they are constantly cleaning. (4) Everything they own is always in its place and dust-free. (5) The second group of homeowners is the complete opposite. (6) They are the slobs. (7) Visit their houses, and you will see dirty clothes and empty cans and pizza boxes strewn about. (8) Every available surface will be covered with stuff that looks like it belongs somewhere else, and the floor will be in need of some serious mopping. (9) The third group falls somewhere in the middle between these two extremes. (10) They tend to keep clutter at bay, and they probably clean house about once a week. (11) You might see a fine layer of dust or a dirty dish or two, but otherwise, the house is relatively tidy.
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a transitional expression that indicates classification?

A) Sentence 2
B) Sentence 8
C) Sentence 9

On Sep 24, 2024



Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Mexico City is a fascinating mixture of modern and traditional ways of life. (2) The city boasts sleek skyscrapers, such as the famous Latin America tower. (3) However, it also proudly displays its graceful Spanish colonial palaces and public buildings, many of which are 300 years old. (4) Glittering stores line the main shopping streets, offering the latest in international styles of clothing and house furnishings. (5) Yet old fashioned street markets fill the city, from the great food market of the Merced to stalls in small plazas selling such piñatas and paper Christmas decorations. (6) Huge modern factories in the northern section turn out most of Mexico's clothing, steel, cement, appliances, and electrical supplies. (7) In contrast, craftspeople line the city's streets with their handmade baskets, pottery, metalwork, and textiles.
Which of the following sentences does NOT contain a transitional expression that indicates contrast or comparison?

A) Sentence 3
B) Sentence 6
C) Sentence 7

On Sep 23, 2024