


Why are the Big Five not the Big Twelve, the Big Eight, or the Big Seventeen?

A) Although twenty trait dimensions have been reliably identified, it's simpler to look at a smaller set of five.
B) Five dimensions encompass all possible personality traits.
C) Clusters of related traits that reliably emerge from factor analytic studies identify five core dimensions.
D) Four traits are generally recognized, but a fifth is in dispute; it's easier to include the last for now.

On Jul 10, 2024



Define acute and chronic medical conditions and provide one example of each that affect children.

On Jul 05, 2024

Acute medical conditions are those that come on suddenly and are usually of short duration. They often require immediate medical attention and can be severe. An example of an acute medical condition that affects children is appendicitis, which is the inflammation of the appendix and requires surgical intervention.

Chronic medical conditions, on the other hand, are long-lasting and often require ongoing medical management. These conditions may not have a cure and can significantly impact a child's daily life. An example of a chronic medical condition that affects children is asthma, which is a respiratory condition that causes difficulty breathing and requires long-term medication and monitoring.


In Galton's book Hereditary Genius,he described his theory of intelligence.What did he feel played the largest role in the expression of intelligence

A)  genetic inheritance of intelligence 
B)  advantages associated with being born to the upper class 
C)  speed of reaction time 
D)  family traditions related to education

On Jun 07, 2024



One concern about the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is that it:

A) lacks standardization in application.
B) is not effective in treating severe forms of depression.
C) has a low success rate.
D) may lead to memory loss and possible neurological damage.

On Jun 05, 2024



Yi is about to have her first child. She lives in Los Angeles and has no relatives living in the United States. For assistance and emotional support during the birth of her first child, she decides to hire a nonprofessional woman known as a

A) lactation specialist.
B) doula.
C) birth expert.
D) prepared childbirth assistant.

On May 07, 2024



Which theory of emotion proposes that stimuli cause physiological changes in our bodies and emotions result from those physiological changes?

A) Cannon-Bard
B) James-Lange
C) Schachter-Singer
D) cognitive appraisal

On May 06, 2024



What type of search does one perform when one is examining an array for a conjunction of features?

A) a search in which the target is defined by a single feature
B) a search in which the target is defined by a combination of features
C) a search that takes the same amount of time for five items as it does for 75 items
D) a search conducted independently of expectations

On May 04, 2024



What type of test is likely being used if an elementary school child is given a test designed to determine whether she should be placed in a class of "gifted" children

A)  vocabulary 
B)  achievement 
C)  personality 
D)  intelligence

On May 03, 2024



According to Jean Piaget,what does accommodation involve

A)  interpreting new experiences in terms of existing mental structures without changing them 
B)  the tendency to focus on just one feature of a problem, neglecting other important aspects 
C)  the gap between what a learner can accomplish alone and what the learner can achieve with guidance from more skilled partners 
D)  changing existing mental structures to explain new experiences

On May 02, 2024