


Which answer identifies a strength of children from single-parent families?

A) They may admire teachers and other role models more than their single parent(s) .
B) They may be better prepared to change their negative self-image into a healthier one.
C) They may have more empathy for children who are less fortunate than they are.
D) They may be more independent due to increased responsibility and participation in family decisions.

On Jul 30, 2024



How should trailer hand-crank landing gear legs and crankcase be lubricated?

A) multi-purpose gear lube
B) SAE 30W engine oil
C) grease applied through zerks
D) penetrating oil

On Jul 27, 2024



Which medium do night visioning electronic systems such as Bendix XVision use to produce imaging?

A) doppler radar
B) infra-red
C) ultra-violet
D) microwave

On Jun 30, 2024



Which types of foundation brakes are used on air-brake equipped trucks and trailers?

A) S-cam-actuated
B) air disc brakes
C) air wedge-actuated
D) all of the above

On Jun 27, 2024



The Mexican philosopher who rejected positivism because it did not acknowledge the importance of emotions in music and the arts was

A) Augusto Salazar Bondy.
B) José Vasconcelos.
C) Octavio Paz.
D) Auguste Comte.

On May 31, 2024



Jessie works in the creative department of an advertising firm.He likes to keep a camera with him at all times to take photographs of anything he sees.One morning he was running late for work.While walking, he noticed someone lying on the ground sleeping.He took a quick snap shot for his photography series called "City Plight," and continued on his way to work.Now Jessie is applying for a position in your firm, and you are reviewing his "City Plight" work.Based on your code of ethics would you hire him? What ethics questions from the chapter would help you decide?

On May 27, 2024

As a hiring manager, I would need to consider the ethical implications of Jessie's actions in taking a photograph of someone without their consent. The code of ethics for our firm likely includes principles of respect for individuals and their privacy, as well as the ethical use of photography.

Some ethics questions from our code of ethics that would help me decide whether to hire Jessie include:
- Did Jessie obtain the person's consent before taking the photograph?
- Did Jessie consider the potential impact of his "City Plight" series on the individuals he photographed?
- Did Jessie consider the potential consequences of sharing these photographs publicly, and did he take steps to protect the privacy and dignity of the individuals depicted?

Ultimately, I would need to assess whether Jessie's actions align with our firm's ethical standards and whether he demonstrates a thoughtful and respectful approach to his photography work. If his actions raise ethical concerns, it may impact our decision to hire him.


The NCDA guidelines describe a number of factors to consider when using career assessment instruments.What considerations are especially important when employing career assessment with culturally diverse clients?

On Apr 30, 2024

Career professionals must understand factors related to historical trauma of assessment with some cultural groups and take steps to avoid perpetuating prejudices.Career professionals are cautious in using assessment techniques normed on populations other than that of the client, recognizing that dimensions of diversity may affect assessment results.When interpreting assessment results, career professionals should consider the client's culture, and the degree to which the client can understand results.


Which of the following designs is used to evaluate a slow and orderly increase or decrease in a student's performance level by changing the standard for a student to receive intervention in a stepwise fashion?

A) changing conditions design
B) multiple probe design
C) changing criterion design
D) alternating treatments design

On Apr 27, 2024