


For the purposes of recognising property, plant and equipment assets the acquisition date is the date:

A) the consideration is paid.
B) on which the acquirer obtains control of the asset.
C) the contract to exchange assets is signed.
D) on which the contract to acquire the asset becomes unconditional.

On Jul 29, 2024



In 2010, Tame Co.took advantage of market conditions to refund its outstanding debt.Wild should report the excess of the carrying amount of the old debt over the amount paid to extinguish it as a(n)

A) deferred credit to be amortized over life of new debt
B) part of continuing operations
C) extraordinary item, net of income taxes
D) prior period adjustment

On Jul 27, 2024



Demand-side market failures refer to those situations when there is a shortage in the market because buyers want to buy more than what is available in the market.

On Jun 29, 2024



Who amongst the following is an "expert" under Section 11 of the Securities Act of 1933?

A) A consultant who is an independent director of a company making a public distribution of securities.
B) An auditor who issues an opinion regarding financial statements of a company making a public distribution of securities.
C) An accountant in the accounts division of a publicly traded company that is issuing new securities to the public.
D) An underwriter who is involved in issuance of new securities to the public by a publicly traded company.

On Jun 27, 2024



What are the two common attribution errors?

A) fundamental attribution error and self-serving bias
B) rudimentary element error and self-serving bias
C) rudimentary element error and self-absorbed slant
D) self-absorbed slant and fundamental attribution error

On May 30, 2024



What is a potential negative factor for foreign investment in China?

A) China's population is aging and is likely to continue to do so for many years.
B) China drastically restricts the goods it allows U.S. companies to export to China.
C) China's standard of living has dropped over the past 30 years.
D) China has imported fewer goods from the United States each year for the past decade.
E) Chinese consumers are not interested in purchasing products from the United States.

On May 28, 2024