


Renato arrived in Canada as a child. He worked hard in high school and excelled, receiving high marks in math, English, and science. However, he cannot afford to go to university, so he will not be able to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. Instead, he will work in his family's variety store. Renato's experience is an example of which of the following?

A) Immigrants rarely go to university.
B) There are many opportunities for success through hard work.
C) Schools are limited in their power to eliminate inequalities.
D) Education can create unrealistic goals, often resulting in disappointment.

On Jul 29, 2024



A micro-level theory that looks at the everyday behavior of individuals is called

A) structural-functionalism.
B) conflict theory.
C) exchange theory.
D) symbolic interactionism

On Jul 25, 2024



The conflict approach contributes to our understanding of deviant behavior by showing how

A) unconscious drives and motives lead to some forms of deviance such as child molestation.
B) the subjective experiences of deviance can lead to fear and anger.
C) youth gangs are at the root of most deviance.
D) social inequality influences the making and enforcing of norms and laws.

On Jul 23, 2024



According to the text, the example of attitudes toward smoking in the U.S. demonstrates the notion that

A) perceptions of deviance are influenced by social change.
B) smoking should not have been considered acceptable.
C) laws, such as anti-smoking laws, are needed in order identify deviant behavior.
D) evidence of risk is enough to change behavior.

On Jul 22, 2024



The policies favored by different parties have different effects on different groups of people.Therefore,different parties tend:

A) to be the sole determinant of political activity
B) to be supported by people from different classes,religious groups,races,etc.
C) to be little different in terms of who favors which party
D) to organize,mobilize,and raise funds in different areas of the country
E) none of these choices

On Jul 20, 2024



Most studies show that employers do not value older workers' knowledge,experience,reliability and work ethic.

On Jun 27, 2024



__________ are a diverse pool of human services workers and community health workers with varying levels of education and training whose primary duties revolve around serving individuals within their community and serving the community as a whole.

A) Change agents
B) Advisers
C) Community workers
D) Advocates

On Jun 23, 2024



Conflict theorists argue that dominant classes and political groups benefit disproportionately from the mass media because:

A) the mass media broadcast beliefs,values,and ideas that create widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo
B) ownership of the mass media is highly concentrated in the hands of a small number of people
C) the mass media creates opportunities for deviant behavior
D) all of these choices
E) none of these choices

On Jun 21, 2024



Describe what capitalism is.

On Jun 20, 2024

Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production and distribution of goods and services are privately owned and operated for profit. In a capitalist system, individuals and businesses have the freedom to compete in the marketplace, set prices, and make decisions about what to produce and how to allocate resources. The goal of capitalism is to generate wealth and economic growth through the pursuit of self-interest and the accumulation of capital. This system is characterized by a free market, where supply and demand determine prices and the allocation of resources. Capitalism also encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, as individuals and businesses seek to create new products and services to meet consumer needs and desires. Overall, capitalism is based on the principles of private property, free enterprise, and limited government intervention in the economy.


Define population as the term is used in research.

On May 26, 2024

A population is the entire group about which the researcher wishes to generalize.