


What major event happened at Chernobyl,Ukraine,in 1986?

A) the explosion of a nuclear reactor
B) arms-reduction talks between Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan
C) the declaration of an independent Ukraine
D) the first public broadcast of American television in the Soviet Union
E) the signing of a treaty officially ending the Second World War

On Aug 05, 2024



What was the Spanish government's response to Catalonians voting for independence in 2017?

A) It agreed to allow Catalonia to leave if it would join a new Spanish commonwealth.
B) It kicked Catalonia out of Spain before independence could be approved.
C) It imposed direct control on Catalonia from Madrid.
D) It demanded a new election on different terms.
E) It agreed to depose the Spanish king and abolish the monarchy.

On Aug 03, 2024



Why did Georgia change its state flag in 1956?

A) It wanted to remember its history as one of the original 13 colonies.
B) It wanted to honor Civil War veterans.
C) It was protesting communism in the government.
D) It was defying the Brown v. Board court decision.
E) It hoped to memorialize World War II veterans.

On Jul 04, 2024



Which statement is true about the system of presidential election under the original Constitution?

A) If no candidate received a majority of the electoral ballots, the winner would be chosen by the Senate.
B) The president was chosen by debate in the House of Representatives, where discussion would continue until the representatives were unanimous in their choice of president.
C) The president's length of term was directly related to the proportion of votes he received.
D) The president was chosen by direct vote of the people.
E) Each elector cast votes for two candidates for president, and the second-place finisher would become vice president.

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following statements is most consistent with the beliefs of Horace Mann?

A) Misery and crime can be ended through universal education.
B) Men are superior to women as teachers because they command obedience and discipline from their pupils.
C) The teaching of Christian religious principles should be the central focus of education.
D) Formal education should be reserved for the talented tenth, and vocational training should be available to the masses.

On Jun 04, 2024



What was new about Mahatma Gandhi's nationalist movement in India,as opposed to earlier movements?

A) It excluded Muslims from the future independent India.
B) Its primary tactic was violent resistance against British police and soldiers.
C) It aimed for complete independence from the British Empire rather than greater autonomy.
D) It aimed for Indian independence while retaining membership in the British Commonwealth.
E) It tried to work with foreign powers to undermine the United Kingdom.

On Jun 02, 2024



According to Jefferson, ___________ was/were necessary to the development of a distinctly American character.

A) an extensive global trading network
B) educated white men
C) free blacks
D) agriculture

On May 31, 2024



The emergence of the United States as an imperial power inspired much debate among Americans. Briefly explain how the United States arrived at this status and how opponents and supporters of imperialism responded to the change.

On May 07, 2024

The United States arrived at its status as an imperial power through a combination of factors, including its expansion westward during the 19th century, its involvement in the Spanish-American War, and its acquisition of territories such as the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. This expansionist policy was driven by a desire for economic and strategic interests, as well as a belief in the superiority of American values and institutions.

Opponents of imperialism, such as the Anti-Imperialist League, argued that it went against the principles of democracy and self-determination, and that it was hypocritical for the United States to engage in colonialism after fighting for its own independence from British rule. They also raised concerns about the potential for exploitation and oppression of the indigenous populations in the acquired territories.

Supporters of imperialism, on the other hand, believed that it was the duty of the United States to spread its influence and values around the world, and that acquiring overseas territories would provide new markets for American goods and resources for American industry. They also argued that the United States had a responsibility to bring civilization and progress to less developed regions.

Overall, the emergence of the United States as an imperial power sparked intense debate and division among Americans, with both opponents and supporters presenting compelling arguments for their respective positions. This debate continues to shape American foreign policy and attitudes towards imperialism to this day.


What made World War I the death knell of progressivism?

A) The blind bureaucracy of the selective service disillusioned Americans.
B) The violent resistance of socialists against the war effort made progressivism impossible.
C) President Wilson overreached when he boldly expanded federal power and the nation's global role in the war.
D) The destruction of the war forced Americans to focus on the basics of life rather than matters of political reform.

On May 04, 2024



What was the fundamental problem of the July Monarchy in France?

A) Having come to power through revolt,it could not claim royal legitimacy and at the same time did not have the popular sovereignty demanded by republicans.
B) The new royal family was not French.
C) It did not give political rights to the people.
D) It failed to deliver prosperity.
E) It was opposed by Napoleon's followers.

On May 02, 2024